Professional Learning Opportunities

Professional Learning Opportunities

Online Instruction Fundamentals

This self-paced short course will help you to cultivate and implement online course design, development, and delivery skills. The journey begins with course mapping, ultimately resulting in a completed course map and fully developed learning module for your new online course that will be reviewed by one of our in-house instructional designers. This learning module can then be used as a model for building out the rest of your course.

Start Now
student working with instructor

Faculty Summit

Discover instructional strategies, tools and tips, and educational partners who can support you.

Build community through interactive sessions, explore problems of practice, and share pedagogical strategies and lessons learned.

Practice implementing strategies and designing your course with real-time support right next door as you work!


Email if interested in presenting!

Access Summit Recording
student working on laptop

Monthly Teaching Talks

Facilitated by HPU distance learning instructors, these remote sessions highlight innovative instructional strategies. Past sessions covered instructional topics such as activating passive learners and visual thinking strategies. You will receive an email invite for these teaching talks from OLAP each month. Join us, and if you are interested in presenting on something you find works particularly well for your students, please email

aloha tower

Institutional Quality Matters Membership

Our Quality Matters membership provides a discounted rate for instructors to take professional development in online course design, development, and delivery. Take a look at Quality Matters professional learning opportunities.

Quality Matters Courses
students working