Course Reserves

Course Reserves


Faculty may require their students to read specific books and/or articles for their courses. These items will be placed "on reserve"  for students to examine and photocopy.

You will find these items at the Access Services desks at Atherton Library or the Library at Waterfront Plaza. Your instructor will tell you which library they are in.

  • You must have a valid HPU student ID card (UniCard)
  • Most reserve items have a loan period of 2 hours, and may not be taken out of the library
  • Charge for unauthorized removal of reserve item: $5.00 on fifth day overdue
  • For more information, please see the Circulating Materials Policy

Faculty Requests

Books (either library or instructors’ personal copies), photocopies, and media can be placed on Reserve at the Access Services desk at Waterfront Library.

To place materials on Reserve, please complete and submit the applicable form(s) provided below, along with items (in the case of personal copies or photocopies). Print copies of forms are also available at the service desks listed above.

Course reserves may be found at HPU Discovery


Entire physical works in their original format (e.g., books, journals, media) may be put on Reserve in the library provided the University Library and Learning Commons or instructor owns a legal copy of the work.  Works created by the United States Federal Government are in the public domain and may also be placed on Reserve, whether owned by the University Library/instructor or not.


Materials considered to be "consumable" (e.g., published workbooks, exercise sheets or texts, standardized tests, test booklets, answer sheets, and course packs) cannot be placed on Reserve.  The nature of these materials is such that making copies available to many students is likely to affect the market value of the item and may thus be an infringement of copyright law.

However, photocopies of exercises and exams created by an instructor can be placed on Reserve by that instructor.


The HPU Library and Learning Commons complies with the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code), which governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).


  • Textbooks

    Items labeled as Instructor’s Edition, Desk Copy, Examination Edition, Publisher’s Review Copy, or variations of those terms cannot be placed on Reserve, due to the potential liability from violating publisher agreements.

  • Photocopies

    A generally accepted best practice for reproduction of copyrighted material is no more than 10% of a book, and one article from one issue of one journal title (per course in the case of Reserves); the University Libraries follow this rule for Reserves and other similar services.  A maximum of three (3) copies of the same article can be kept on Reserve at a time.  Each photocopied article or book segment should include citation information to the original source on the first page.

  • Student Works

    In compliance with copyright law and the FERPA Act, students’ permission must be obtained before their work can be placed on Reserve.  The Reserves Request Form for Student Works contains sections for students’ signatures of consent.

  • Media

    A generally accepted best practice for reproduction of copyrighted media material is also no more than 10% of a video or audio recording; the University Libraries follow this rule for Media Reserves and similar services.


By default, items placed on Reserve are good until the end of the current semester.  However, instructors can request their Reserve items remain for successive semesters.  Toward the end of each semester, the Library will contact instructors with materials on Reserve and send them a Renewal Request form; the form enables instructors to request their items remain on Reserve through the next semester, or to request the items be withdrawn from Reserves and any personal copies returned to them.  Faculty can also contact the Library at any time to request renewal, extension, or return of their Reserve materials.

In accordance with the Fair Use guidelines of copyright law, photocopied material and media requires a faculty member’s signature indicating that materials to be placed on Reserve 1) fall within the Fair Use provision, or 2) had permission obtained from the copyright holder, or 3) fall within the public domain.  The Reserve Request forms for Photocopied Materials and Media contain sections for faculty signatures.  Items requested on a form that does not include the signature of responsibility can still be placed on Reserve, but only for a maximum of one semester.