Department of Arts, Communication, Languages, and Media
An understanding of the arts and languages is fundamental to a liberal arts education. Our programs aspire to broaden and deepen an appreciation of the human condition through an exploration of music, languages, the arts, media, and visual, oral and written communication. Our programs emphasize the following:
- Interdisciplinary understanding
- Critical thinking
- Creativity and the creative process
- Adaptability, curiosity and independent thinking
- A global perspective
Use the navigation links at left to learn more about the various curriuclum areas in our department.
ARTH 1001 Arts of Oceania | |||||||||||
ARTH 2310 Topics in World Art History | |||||||||||
ARTH 3206 Renaissance to Modern Art | |||||||||||
ARTH 3301 Art of China | |||||||||||
ARTH 3321 Art of Japan | |||||||||||
ARTH 3351 Art of India and South East Asia | |||||||||||
ARTH 3551 Art of the Pacific | |||||||||||
ARTH 3552 Art of the Polynesia | |||||||||||
ARTH 3556 Art of Hawaii | |||||||||||
ARTH 3611 ART and the Human Body | |||||||||||
ARTH 3711 Art of the Pacific | |||||||||||
ARTH 3811 Experience Japanese Culture | |||||||||||
ARTS 1000 Introduction of Visual Arts | |||||||||||
ARTS 1003 Sustainable Art and Design | |||||||||||
ARTS 2010 Beginning Drawing | |||||||||||
ARTS 2020 Intermediate Drawing | |||||||||||
ARTS 2150 Introduction to Design | |||||||||||
ARTS 3051 Photography | |||||||||||
MUS 1000 Introduction to Western Classical Music | |||||||||||
MUS 1400 Music Fundamentals I | |||||||||||
MUS 1600 Beginning Hula Performance | |||||||||||
MUS 1710 International Chorale | |||||||||||
Students at HPU can choose to minor in three areas of the performing arts: Music, Studio Art, and Theatre. There is also a minor in Art History.
Students at HPU can choose to minor in two languages: Japanese and Spanish.
DEPARTMENT OF Arts, Communication, languages and Media
500 Ala Moana blvd., wp 6-310, HONOLULU, HI 96813
PHONE: 808.544.0228 | FAX: 808.544.1424
Boyer, charles PH.D.
Chair and Assistant Professor of Spanish
500 Ala Moana Blvd., WP 6-310, Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: 808.356.5208 | E-mail: cboyer@hpu.edu
feldman, Jerome PH.D.
Professor Emeritus of Art History
500 Ala Moana Blvd., WP 6-307 Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: 808.236.5835 | E-mail: jfeldman@hpu.edu
Vang, Elizabeth.
Assistant to the Dean
500 Ala Moana Blvd., WP 6-313, Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: 808.544.0228 | E-mail: evang@hpu.edu
LopeS, Tracie m.p.a.
Instructor of Hawaiian Language
500 Ala Moana Blvd., WP 6-322, Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: 808.544.0889 | E-mail: tlopes@hpu.edu
mccreary, TEResa ph.d.
Director, Performing Arts and Associate Professor of Music
Aloha Tower Marketplace, RM (TBD) Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: 808.544.0887 | E-mail: tmccreary@hpu.edu
schumacker, AlExander ph.d.
Director of Choral Activities and Assistant Professor of Music
Aloha Tower Marketplace, RM (TBD), Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: 808.544.1127 | E-mail: aschumacker@hpu.edu
For students interested in joining one or more of the performing arts at HPU, click here.
There are three clubs associated with our programs and department:
- Anime Club
- Drama Club
- Multimedia Cinematic Production Club