Chadia Chambers-Samadi Ph.D.
College of Liberal Arts - Department of English and Applied Linguistics
Chadia Chambers-Samadi, Ph.D., is a Senior Lecturer at Hawaii Pacific University. where she teaches First Year Writing, World Literature and French.
She is the author of Repression des manifestants algériens à Paris: la nuit
meurtrière du 17 octobre 1961, an essay that argues that literature, film and music allowed the
resurgence of the memory of the State’s attack against Algerians in Paris on October 17th, 1961. The monograph was published at l'Harmattan in Paris. She has also worked as a research
specialist and editor with Thomas Spear on the website
Her work on Haitian literature is multifaceted: as an Editor for Ruptures Editions (based in Leogane,
Haiti) she has edited several political essays and as a researcher, her work on the author Jacques
Stephen Alexis appeared in Arnold Antonin’s movie celebrating the legacy of the author in a
documentary entitled Mort Sans Sépulture. In December 2022, she published an article highlighting the
poetical and political influence of Cuba in the literary work of the very same Jacques Stephen Alexis in a
collective Volume published in Port-au-Prince by Legs Editions.
Academic publications:
Book :
Témoignages, Mémoires, Histoire, le 17 Octobre 1961 dans le texte contemporain.
An analytical study on how literature rescued History. In this work, I arguethe arts and particularly Literature, have contributed to the edification of the Paris Massacre of Algerians on October 17th, 1961 as a historical event. The book is a Multidisciplinary study in Literature, History, and Sociology.
Editions l’Harmattan: Paris, 2016
Articles :
Poetic and political influences of Cuba on Jacques Stephen Alexis (Author from Haiti)
LEGS, Volume 8, Port-au Prince : mai 2022.
Entre le « je » et le « elle » fantasme et rythme dans Indian Tango d’Ananda Devi (Author from Mauritius)
Mosaiques, numero Hors-Serie 3, Marouna: Cameroon, Mai 2017
In the volume edited by Thomas Spear, Une nuit haitienne
Two short stories translations from English into French:
Katia D. Ulysse, Storm
Myriam J.A. Chancy, Loko
Book Reviews:
For the American Association of French Teachers
Master Musician Serie: Debussy, Eric F. Jensen. Oxford University Press, 2015
Irreversible, Tim Palmer, London: Palgrave Press, 2015
Culture and Society:
The Republic Unsettled: Muslim French and the contradictions of Secularism, Mayanthi L. Fernando. London: Duke University Press, 2014
Penser la laïcité québécoise, Sebastien Lesvesque. Montreal: PUL, 2015
Queer Theory: The French Response, Bruno Perreau. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2016
Queer Roots For the Diaspora: Ghosts in the Family Tree, Jarrod Hayes. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2016