Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Leadership development programs are opportunities for students to learn more about themselves as young leaders, discover their leadership potential, prepare their professional portfolio, and work within an experiential learning environment.  It is based on the philosophy that "leadership is action, not position" (Donald H. McGannon).  In addition, we believe that leadership occurs in all aspects of one's life and everyone has ample opportunity to enhance their skills. Our goal is to provide training and resources for students to develop who they are both personally and professionally. Leadership development opportunities at HPU are in the form of student clubs/organizations, training, and workshops. These programs are open to all students. Email leadership@hpu.edu for more information.

Current Programs:

Linking Leaders

Take charge of your leadership development journey and learn more about the programs offered each school year during this annual fall event!


HPU's Leadership Education and Development Series (L.E.A.D.S.) is a year-long, self-directed leadership development program customized to suit your interests.

Take the Lead Seminars

Take the Lead Seminars are scheduled monthly and feature notable community leaders and HPU staff and faculty.


Getting involved in Registered Student Organizations (clubs) is a fun and rewarding opportunity to foster your leadership skills!

Upcoming Activities

  • There are currently no upcoming events.