Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

As a financial aid recipient, please be aware your financial aid could adjust at any time due to, but not limited to the following:

  • Change in federal, state, or institutional availability of funds
  • Change in federal, state, or institutional regulations or policies
  • Change in your academic progess for financial aid (SAP)
  • Change in your eligibility
  • Receipt of funds intended for educational financial assistance
  • Computer or human error
  • If your financial aid adjusts, even after you receive a refund, you may owe the university. 
  • You are required to notify the financial aid office at HPU if you receive any outside scholarships, VA awards, or military benefits. You are responsible for any debt you owe the university regardless of the fact you may be receiving financial aid assistance. 
  • Federal law requires that you may be degree-seeking and making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to receive Title IV Federal Financial Aid. 
  • You are responsible to officially withdraw from classes. HPU will not automatically drop you from your classes. 
  • If you drop your classes you may still owe the college for those costs. 
  • You must be in attendance in your classes to be considered eligible for your financial aid. If you fail to attend one or more classes, your financial aid may be adjusted. 
  • Your financial aid will be calculated on the number of your enrolled credit hours at the time the aid is finalized for the semester. 
  • Refunds will be processed within 14 days by the Business Office after your financial aid has actually paid to your account. 
  • If you withdraw or stop attending, your financial aid may be adjusted because the school is required to complete a Federal Return to Title IV Refund calculation to determine how much financial aid you earned. If HPU is required to return any funds to the US Department of Education, you will be required to repay those funds to HPU.


HPU reserves the right to reduce, cancel or substitute any institutional scholarship/grant at any time. Tuition support from all sources cannot exceed the actual cost of tuition. If a student received tuition benefits/payments made directly to the institution, such as employer tuition, 529 tuition payments, VA tuition benefits, or external scholarships stating for tuition, that equal or exceed 90% of a student’s total tuition, all HPU institutional scholarships and grants, applicable to tuition only, including tuition waivers, will be canceled. If the tuition benefits/payments are less than 90% of a student’s total tuition, HPU institutional scholarships and grants, including tuition waivers, may be reduced or canceled.


As a financial aid student, you have the right to receive important information from Hawai‘i Pacific University (HPU). This information is available to you from a variety of sources as follows and should be reviewed before you make a firm commitment to attend the University:

  • The HPU Website at http://www.hpu.edu
  • The Federal Student Guide
  • Financial Aid Handbook for Undergraduate Students
  • The Hawai’i Pacific University Academic Catalog
  • Individual scholarship and grant pamphlets and handouts distributed by HPU’s Admissions Office, Center for Graduate Studies, Scholarships and Honors Programs Office, Athletic Office and/or the Financial Aid Office.


  • Information on financial assistance that is available, including information on all federal, state, local, private and institutional financial aid programs.
  • Information on the procedures and deadlines for submitting applications for each available program, grant and/or scholarship.
  • Information on how the University selects financial aid recipients.
  • Information on how the University determines your financial need.
  • Information on how the University determines each type and amount of assistance in your financial aid package (award letter).
  • Information on how and when you will receive your aid.
  • Information on how the University determines whether you are making satisfactory academic progress (SAP), and what happens if you are not.
  • Information on your federal work study job, if awarded, to include the job description, hours of work, what your duties will be, what the rate of pay will be, and how and when you will be paid.
  • Information on the location, hours and counseling procedures of the financial aid office.
  • You may gain access to any of the above information online via the University’s Web site through the campus intranet myHPU or by requesting appropriate publications from the offices listed.


As a financial aid student, you must accept the following responsibilities to ensure that your aid is processed correctly and that you know what consequences may arise if you fail to complete your course work or withdraw from school or classes:

  • You must complete your admissions application and the Free Application for Financial Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit them on time to the correct addresses.
  • The FAFSA must be mailed to the federal processor and be received not later than March 1 (our priority deadline date), or completed online at www.fafsa.ed.gov prior to the deadline, if you wish to receive your maximum eligible aid package.
  • We will continue to process aid applications after March 1, however, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Perkins Loan and Federal Work Study funds may have been exhausted by the time late applications are received.
  • The Federal Pell Grant and Federal Family Educational Loans will be available in varying amounts for eligible late applicants.
  • New students should complete and submit admissions applications in the November/December time frame so that when their aid application information is received, their aid package (offer letter) can be processed.
  • You will not receive a financial aid offer letter until you are admitted to the University.
  • You must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward a degree objective in order to be eligible to receive financial aid at HPU.
  • You must submit accurate and complete information in your FAFSA application and in any other documents or forms requested. Reporting inaccurate and/or incomplete information will only delay the processing of your aid or result in a penalty assessed by the federal government.
  • You must complete and return all other documents, verification forms, and reports requested by the financial aid office with corrections and/or new information.
  • You are responsible for reading and understanding all applications, reports, letters and forms that you are asked to sign, and keeping copies of them.
  • You must accept responsibility for all agreements that you sign with the federal government and the University.
  • You must perform the work that is agreed upon in the contract if you sign a work study contract.
  • You must be aware of the University’s withdrawal and refund policies and procedures and know the consequences of withdrawing from classes or school. This information is extremely important as, under certain circumstances, you could find yourself owing the University for an unpaid balance or having to repay federal funds refunded to you.