Daniel Cipriani PT, PhD
Graduate College of Health Sciences - Department of Physical Therapy
PhD Applied Measurement and Statistics, Univeristy of Toledo
M.S. Applied Biomechanics - Exercise Science, Univeristy of Toledo
B.S. Physical Therapy, Ohio State University
Licensed Physical Therapist (OH)
Dr. Daniel Cipriani, PT, PhD has been a licensed Physical Therapist since 1984. He received his Physical Therapy degree from Ohio State University. He then completed his Master’s of Science degree in Exercise Science with an emphasis in Applied Biomechanics. As a clinician, Dr. Cipriani’s focus has been in the area of Orthopedic conditions and Sports Medicine.
Dr. Cipriani began his Academic career teaching Physical Therapy at the Medical College of Ohio where he was the first three-time recipient of the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence. In that time, Dr. Cipriani completed his PhD work in the area of Educational Testing and Measurement with a focus on Applied Biostatistics and Measurement. Continuing in the area of Academia, Dr. Cipriani contributed to the faculties at San Diego State University, Chapman University, and West Coast University, where he helped WCU establish its first Graduate program for the Doctor of Physical Therapy.
In the process, Dr. Cipriani received more than 10 teaching awards across these settings. He is also the recipient of over a dozen Research and Service awards including being named the Manuscript Reviewer of the Year for the Physical Therapy Journal of the American Physical Therapy Association. Dr. Cipriani is the author or co-author of over 40 peer-review scientific publications and book chapters and over 60 scientific presentations at professional meetings. He has taught continuing education courses nationally and internationally to over 80 different locations, primarily focusing on foot/ankle pathomechanics, but also including the shoulder and general fitness. These publications and research efforts have primarily collaborated with a variety of individuals in various professional settings including Chiropractic Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Higher Education, and currently with NeuroBiomechanic specialists.
Dr. Cipriani’s research agenda focuses on the Measurement properties of common measures, utility of intervention/exercise processes in Physical Therapy, and most recently understanding measurement properties to best determine outcomes for individuals with sports related concussions.
Hoseini N, Sam K, Klein M, Cipriani D (2024). The effect of a 6-week virtually guided medittation program on Doctor of Physical Therapy students’ perceived well-being. J Health Sciences (WCU) submitted and under review.
Passalacqual M, Fenner M, Quigliey KG, Heithecker AJ, Islas A, Cipriani D, Powell D, Constantino N, Jiang F, Leddy J, Murray NG. (2024). Knee flexion increases at mid-stance during the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill test post-SRC. Med Sci Sport Exer (2024) Manuscript submitted for review
Brown T, Kendrick A, Traywick L, Zeiner T, Cipriani D (2023). Intentional grouping and team building within the gross Anatomy laboratory. Anatomical Sciences Education. Accepted pending revisions.
Almajid R, Appiah-Kubi K, Cipriani D, Goel R (2023). Dual-tasking interference is exacerbated outdoors: a pilot study. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, Feb 2023, Volume 5. https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2023.1077362
Kelly M, Nurray N, Lugade V, Jones P, Wuebbles R, Cipriani D (2022). Reliability and validity of the gait analyzer application. J of Measurement, 192(3) 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2022.110882
Guervarra CC, Murray N, Cipriani D, Mailland K, Char A, Coffman K, Davis C, Truong F, Danielian A, Barnes, G, Gaal W (2022). Cardiovascular involvement among collegiate athletes following COVID-19 infection. J Clin Translational Res https://10.8053/Jctres/08.202201.004
Murray NG, Moran R, Islas A, Pavillionis P, Szekely B, Alphoonsa S, Howell D, Buckley T, Cipriani D (2021). Sport-related concussion adopt a more conservative approach to straight path walking and turning during tandem gait. J Clin Translational Res, 7(4): 443-449. http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.07.202104.002
Murray NG, Belson E, Szelkely B, Islas A, Cipriani D, Lynall RC, Buckley TA, Powell DW. (2020), Baseline postural control and lower extremity injury incidence among those with a history of concussion. J Athletic Training, 55(2): 109-115.
Cipriani DJ, Pera D, Pomerantz A, Reid A, Brown, TE (2020). A proposed modification to the ankle dorsiflexion lunge measurement in weight bearing: clinical application with reliability and validity. Ortho Phys Ther Practice, 32(2): 88-90.
Choi WJ, Robinovitch SN, Ross SA, Phan J, Cipriani D. (2017). Effect of neck flexor muscle activation on impact velocity of the head during backward falls in young adults. Clinical Biomechanics, 49(8): 28-33. doi.org/10.1016
Zappala J, Orrego C, Boe E, Fecher H, Salminen D, Cipriani D (2017). Influence of a posture-cuing shirt on tennis serve kinematics in Division III tennis players. J Chiropractic Medicine, 16(1): 49-53.
Hodges M, Lee C, Lorenz K, Cipriani D (2015). Review of the Physical Education Metrics cognitive assessment tool for fifth grade Students. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 7: 119-125.
Trone D, Cipriani D, Raman R, Wingard D, Shaffer R, Macera C (2014). Self-reported smoking and musculoskeletal overuse injury among male and female U.S. Marine Corp recruits. Military Medicine, 179 (7): 735- 743.
Cipriani D, Yu T, Lyssanova O (2014). Perceived influence of a compression, posture-cueing shirt on cyclists’ ride experience and post-recovery. J Chiropractic Medicine, 13(1): 21-27.
Unfried B, Arginaldo A, Cipriani D (2013). Running on a cambered surface: influence on lower extremity muscle activity as measured with electromyography. J Applied Biomechanics, 29: 421-427.
Murray N, Cipriani D, O’Rand D, Reed-Jones, R (2013). Effects of Foot Position during Squatting on the Quadriceps Femoris:An Electromyographic Study. International J of Exer Science, 6(2): 114-125.
Trone DW, Cipriani D, Raman R, Wingard DL, Shaffer RA, Macera CA (2013). The association of self-reported measures with poor training outcomes among male and female U.S. Navy recruits. Military Medicine, 178 (1): 43-49.
Cipriani D, Darr F, McPeck D, Kubec G, Thomas J (2012). Rating scale analysis and psychometric properties of the Caregiver Self Efficacy Scale for Transfers. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 32(4): 404-415.
Cipriani D, Terry M, Haines, M, Tabibnia A, Lyssanova O (2012) Effect of stretch frequency and sex on rate of gain and rate of loss in muscle flexibility during a hamstring stretching program: a randomized single-blind longitudinal study. J Str Condit Res, 26(8): 2119-29
Parry J, Straub R, Cipriani D (2012). Shoulder and back muscle activation during shoulder flexion and abduction using a Bodyblade Pro vs. dumbbells. J Sport Rehabil, 21: 266-272.
Straub R, Cipriani D (2012). Influence of Infra-patellar and Supra-patellar Straps on Quadriceps Muscle Activity and Onset Timing during the Body-weight Squat. J Str Condit Res, 26(7): 1827-1837
Rancour J, Terry M, Holmes C, Cipriani D (2010). Superficial precooling on a 4-week static stretching regimen: a randomized trial. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 2(5): 433-436.
King J, Cipriani D (2010). Effects of frontal and sagittal plane plyometric training on vertical jump height in high school basketball players. J Str Condit Res, 24(8), 2109-2114.
May C, Cipriani D, Lorenz K (2010). Power development through complex training for the Division I collegiate athlete. Str and Condit J, 32(4): 30-43.
Rancour J, Holmes C, Cipriani D (2009). Influence on stretch frequency on range of motion retention in the hamstring. J Str Condit Research, 23(8): 2217-2222.
Cipriani D, Haines M, O’Rand D, Levy S (2009). Reliability and valildity of a lower extremity partial weight bearing performance measure. International J of Sports Phys Ther, 4(2): 49-59.
Cambell B, Cipriani D, Yaggie J (2007). Influence of a functional knee brace and exercise on lower extremity kinematics during jogging. Clinical Kinesiology, 61(2): 7 – 13.
Cannon DT, Kolkhost FW, Cipriani DJ (2007). Electromyographic data do not support a progressive recruitment of muscles fibers during exercise exhibiting a VO2 slow component. JPhysiol Anthropol 26(5): 541-546
Thomas J, Shuford D, Duke J, Cipriani D (2007). Development and Psychometric Properties of the Self-Efficacy Scale for Transfers for Caregivers of Children Requiring Transfer Assistance Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88(4): 481-488 .
Cannon D, Grout S, May C, Strom S, Wyckoff K, Cipriani D, Buono M (2007). Recruitment of the Serratus Anterior as an accessory muscle of ventilation during graded exercise. . J Physiologic Sciences, 57: 127-131.
Cannon D, Kolkhorst F, Cipriani D (2007). Effects of pedaling position on muscle activity and cycling efficiency. European J of Applied Physiology, 99: 659-664.
Masterson M, Morgan A, Multer C, Cipriani D (2006). The role of lower leg muscle activity in blood pressure maintenance of older adults. J Clinical Kinesiology, 60(2): 8-17.
Campbell B, Yaggie J, Cipriani D (2006). Temporal influences of functional knee bracing on torque production of the lower extremity. J Sports Rehabilitation, 15: 216-227.
Cipriani D, Fox C, Khuder S, Boudreau N (2005). Comparing Rasch Analyses Probability Estimates to Sensitivity, Specificity and Likelihood Ratios when Examining the Utility of Medical Diagnostic Tests. Journal of Applied Measurement 6(2): 180-201.
Cipriani D, Abel B, Pirwitz D (2003). A comparison of stretching protocols: effects of total time stretching. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 17(2): 274-278.
Nelson D, Cipriani D, Thomas J. (2002) Physical therapy and occupational therapy: partners in rehabilitation for persons with movement impairments. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 15 (3/4), 35-57.
Beltyukova S, Cipriani D, Yan S, Ughrin T, & Fox C. (2001) Predicting driver ability in the elderly: a Rasch Regression model. Rasch Measurement Transactions, 15(5): 789-790.
Li S, Armstrong C, Cipriani D. (2001) Three-point gait crutch walking: variability in ground reaction forces during weight bearing. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 82: 86-92.
Bulthaup S, Cipriani D, Thomas J. (1999)An electromyography study of wrist extension orthoses and upper- extremity function. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 53(5): 434-440.
Duscha B, Cipriani D, Roberts C (1999) A review of open vs. closed kinetic chain exercise for lower extremity rehabilitation. Clinical Exercise Physiology, 1(2): 57-63.
Cipriani D, Swartz J, Hodgson C. (1998) Triathlon and the multisport athlete. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 27(1): 42-50.
Munich H, Cipriani D, Hall C, Nelson D, Falkel J. (1997) Test re-test reliability of an inclined squat strength test protocol. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 26(4): 209-213.
Cipriani, D., Armstrong C., Gaul S. (1995) Backward walking at three different levels of treadmill inclination: an EMG and kinematic analysis. J Orthop and Sports Phys Ther, 22(3):95-102.
Cipriani D, Noftz, J (2007): Utility of Orthopedic Clinical Tests for Diagnosis. In, Scientific Foundations and Principles of Practice in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation (Edited by Magee, Zachazewski, and Quillen. WB Saunders, Philadelphia PA)., 557-567.
Cipriani D, Falkel, JE (2007): Physiologic Principles of Resistance Training and Functional Integration for the Injured and Disabled. In: Scientific Foundations and Principles of Practice in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation (Edited by Magee, Zachazewski, and Quillen. WB Saunders, Philadelphia PA), 432-457.
Falkel, JE, Cipriani, DJ: "Physiologic Principals of Resistance Training and Rehabilitation" In: Athletic Injuries and Rehabilitation, Edited by Zachazewski, MaGee, and Quillen. WB Saunders, Philadelphia PA, pp.206-228, 1996.
Cipriani, DJ. "Open and closed kinetic chain rehabilitation of the shoulder." In: The Athlete’s Shoulder (Andrews, J. and Wilk, K.editors). Churchill Livingstone, New York, NY, pp. 577-588, 1994.