Robert Wilson M.A.
College of Professional Studies - Department of Public Service
Instructor of Writing
M.A., 1992, English as a Second Language, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
B.A., 1981, Psychology, Seattle Pacific University
A.A., 1978, General Studies, Shoreline Community College
Courses taught:
WRI 1050 - English Fundamentals
WRI 1100 - Writing and Analyzing Arguments
WRI 1101 - Writing and Analyzing Arguments Lab
WRI 1200 - Research, Argument, and Writing
COM 1000 - Introduction to Communication Skills
EFP 0840 - English through Personal Finance, plus 18 other courses in English as a Second Language
MGMT 6100 - Seminar in Professional Communications
Rob Wilson came to Hawaii Pacific in 1986 as an Instructor of ESL in the English Foundations Program, where he later provided academic advising to over 800 international students. In 2003, he moved to what is now the College of Extended and Interdisciplinary Education. There he serves as the Curriculum Area Liaison for Writing and teaches freshman writing with Military Campus Programs. In 2017 he also began teaching in that College’s dual-credit program for local high school students. Before coming to Hawaii, Mr. Wilson worked for various government entities and banks in Taiwan, raised pigs, chickens, and grubs for a relief and development agency in a Lao refugee camp, and unloaded ships as a longshoreman in Seattle.