Micheline Soong PH.D.
College of Liberal Arts - Department of English and Applied Linguistics
Micheline M. Soong is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Hawai'i Pacific University. Her teaching and research interests encompass post-colonial and indigenous narratives in the literatures of East Asia, and Hawai'i and the Pacific. She is co-editor of the anthology, Buddhisms in Asia: Traditions, Transmissions, and Transformations (2019) by SUNY Press.
M.A. and Ph. D., Comparative Literature, University of California at Los Angeles 1999
Stanford Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies (Yokohama, Japan) 1991-1992
B.A., Chinese, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (With Distinction, Phi Beta Kappa) 1987
Transnational Cultural Studies
1) Japanese and Chinese Literatures, American Zen Buddhist Studies
2) Post-Colonial and Indigenous Literatures Of Hawai‘i and The Pacific
3) 20th-Century American Women Writers Of Color
4) World Literatures In English Translation
WRI 1200: Research, Argument and Writing
WRI 1250: Introduction to Research in the Humanities
ENG 1101: Representations of Pacific Life
ENG 2000: The Art of Literature
ENG 2100: Ways of Reading: Film, Literature and Culture
ENG 2500: World Literature
ENG 3130: Special Topics in World Literature:
Reading Ruth Ozeki's A Tale for the Time Being
Re-Reading Lolita in Tehran
ENG 3135: Japanese Literature
ENG 3223: Special Topics in Asian Literature:
Buddhist Literature: Traditions and Transformations
ENG 3226: Special Topics in Literatures of Hawai‘i and the Pacific: Hawai‘i Writers
ENG 3252: 20th Century American Women Writers of Color
ENG 4910: English Program Capstone
Buddhisms in Asia: Traditions, Transmissions, and Transformations, co-editors Nicholas Brasovan and Micheline Soong, SUNY Press, 2019.
“Talking Story with Lee A. Tonouchi, 'Da Pidgin Guerrilla' on Pidgin in the local literatures of Hawai'i” by Micheline M. Soong and Lee A. Tonouchi, in Routledge Handbook of Pidgin and Creole Languages. Co-editored by Umberto Ansaldo and Miriam Meyerhoff. Routledge, 2021, pp. 250-266.
A Garden Of Marvels: Tales Of Wonders From Early Medieval China by Robert Ford Campany, in Marvels and Tales: Journal of Fairy Tale Studies. vol. 35 no. 2, 2021, pp. 375-378.
Project MUSE muse.jhu.edu/article/853545
What We Must Remember: Linked Poetry by Ann Inoshita, Juliet Kono, Christy Passion and Jean Toyama. Bamboo Ridge Press, 2017. The Pacific Rim Review of Books, Issue 24, Vol 13, No. 1, (2019): pp. 27 & 29.
Japanese Mythology In Film: A Semiotic Approach To Reading Japanese Film And Anime by Yoshiko Okuyama. Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy Tale Studies. Vol. 31, No. 2, Fall 2017. pp. 430-432. DOI: 10.13110/marvelstales.31.2.0430
StableURL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.13110/marvelstales.31.2.0430
The Charm Buyers by Lillian Howan. University of Hawaii Press, 2017. The Pacific Rim Review of Books. Issue 22, Vol. 11, No. 2 (2017): 29.
“Hawaii/Local Literature.” Asian American Society: An Encyclopedia. Ed. Mary Yu Danico. 4 vols. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Reference with the Association for Asian American Studies. September 2014. DOI: https://sk.sagepub.com/reference/asian-american-society-an-encyclopedia/n148.xml.
“What Does Ryukyuan-centric Studies Looks Like from Hawai'i?” 27th Japan Studies Association Annual Conference. Virtual. 6-8 January 2022. Roundtable discussant and moderator.
“Reaching into the Past to Touch the Future: Different Ways Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders Build Community While Connecting Young People with the Stories of their Elders.” Children’s Literature Hawai‘i, The Hawai‘i Council for the Humanities, Chaminade University and The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa: Nineteenth Biennial Conference on Literature and Hawaii’s Children. Chaminade University, Honolulu, HI. 9 June 2018. Panel Chair and Discussant.
“Masako Takeda and Robert Aitken: Two Views of Japanese Aesthetics, Reading Matsuo Basho’s ‘Old Pond—Furuikeya’ Haiku through Literary and Zen Buddhist Lenses.” 24th Japan Studies Association Annual Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii. 4-6 January 2018. Presented paper.
Most Influential Books And Writer On My Career: Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea Cycle