Deborah L. Ross PH.D.
College of Liberal Arts - Department of English and Applied Linguistics
Ph.D., English, University of Rochester, 1980
BA, Literature, Kirkland College, 1975
WRI 1150 Literature and Argument
WRI 1200 Research, Argument, and Writing
WRI 1250 Intro to Research in the Humanities
ENG 2000 The Art of Literature
ENG 2500 World Literature
ENG 3100 Early British Literature
ENG 3102 British Literature after 1800
ENG 3250 Texts and Gender: Women and Madness
ENG 3251 Sex, Power, and Narrative
ENG 4000 Textual Criticism
ENG 4901/2 Senior Thesis
ENG 4910 Senior Capstone Portfolio
The Excellence of Falsehood: Romance, Realism, and Women’s Contribution to the Novel. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1991.
“On the Trail of the Butterfly: D. H. Hwang and Transformation,” in Beyond Adaptation, ed. Phyllis Frus and Christy Williams,
“The Odyssey: the Iliad’s Wife.” Women in Literature: Reading Through the Lens of Gender. Ed. Jerilyn Fisher and Ellen S. Silber. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003. 218-21.
“Pooh in America: In which the Bear goes on a long explore and becomes altogether different.” Children’s Fantasy Fiction: Debates for the Twenty-First Century. Ed. Nickianne Moody and Clare Horrocks. Liverpool: The Association for Research in Popular Fictions and Liverpool John Moores University, 2005. 349-61.
“David Henry Hwang,” The Literary Encyclopedia (, 2011. Updated July 2015.
Essays on novels of Charlotte Lennox. Dictionary of British Literary Characters, vol. 1. Facts on File, 1992.
"Miyazaki's Little Mermaid: A Goldfish Out of Water." Journal of Film and Video, Fall 2014.
“Escape From Wonderland: Disney and the Female Imagination.” Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy Tale Studies 18.1 (2004): 53-67. Reprinted in McGraw-Hill Reader, 2014.
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream: ‘Very Tragical Mirth.’” Q/W/E/R/T/Y: Arts, Littératures & Civilisations du Monde Anglophone 12 (Oct. 2002): 21-23.
“Home by Tea-Time: Fear of Imagination in Disney’s Alice in Wonderland.” Classics in Film and Fiction. Film/Fiction 5 (2000): 207-227.
“Mirror, Mirror: The Didactic Dilemma of the Female Quixote.” Studies in English Literature 27.3 (Summer 1987): 455-74.
Forthcoming: "Welcome Back, Richard, to the Crown and Anchor." Dammit, I Love You (An Anthology). Brand Street Press, Fall 2015.
"Tautology." Open Minds Quarterly, Fall 2015.
"Frommer's Historical Guide to Upstate New York." Lost Orchard anthology. SUNY Press, 2014.
"You!" Don', 2011.
“My New Boyfriend,” Defenestration, August 2010
“A Tale of Two Sisters,” published on the Pen Women
“Bad Company,” Stone’s Throw Magazine, March 2010
“The Haunted Piano,” CT Review, Spring 2008
“Trinity, or the Gospel According to Violet,” Inscribed: A Magazine for Writers, Issue #4, 2008
“Rice Baby,” Hawai’i Pacific Review, 2008
"Phillis's Foul Linen: Sexual Disgust at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century." Interdisciplinary Conference on Disgust, Canterbury, U.K. May 29, 2015.
“Maternal love or maternal hatred, though the latter fortunately is most rare, is all the same to the inexorable principle of natural selection.” Charles Darwin
“Men have had every advantage of us in telling their own story. Education has been theirs in so much higher a degree; the pen has been in their hands. I will not allow books to prove anything.” Jane Austen
“My old mother always used to say, my lord, that facts are like cows. If you stare them in the face hard enough, they generally run away.” Dorothy L. Sayers
Dr. Ross’s scholarship primarily concerns gender issues in both literary and pop culture narratives, especially Disney and Miyazaki. She has also published creative work in CT Review, Hawai‘i Pacific Review, and several