

Written By Gregory Fischbach

September 06, 2024
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  • Morgan Edelman graduated from HPU in 2024 with a B.A. in history and participated in the residential honors program

    Morgan Edelman graduated from HPU in 2024 with a B.A. in history and participated in the residential honors program.

  • Morgan Edelman is currently an intern at the Hawaiian Mission Houses Historical Site and Archives

    Morgan Edelman is currently an intern at the Hawaiian Mission Houses Historical Site and Archives.

Originally from College Station, Texas, Morgan Edelman’s academic journey has been noteworthy. Graduating in 2024 with a bachelor of arts in history, and a participant of the residential honors program, Edelman was nominated by the College of Liberal Arts as the valedictory speaker, a testament to her outstanding academic achievements. While studying for her degree, she was the history club president and completed a two-year internship at the Hawaiian Historical Society, where she developed her passion for preserving history.

Edelman first heard about HPU while in Texas, after taking practice SATs in high school. She thought, “This is where I need to be!” Edelman applied, got in, and never looked back. Despite the challenges of starting college during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Edelman embraced the uncertainty and moved to Hawaiʻi, finding that HPU was the perfect fit. 

“It was absolutely the right decision. The smaller classes meant I could really connect with the faculty, and the island soon felt like home,” she said.

Edelman thrived in HPU’s close-knit environment, walking the historic streets of Chinatown every day from her off-campus apartment to the heart of Honolulu. In her four years at HPU, she wasn’t just a student—she became a part of Hawaiʻi’s rich history. With the guidance of HPU History Professor Doug Askman, Ph.D., she landed an internship at the Hawaiian Historical Society. She explored the depths of Hawaiian history, working as an archivist and learning the ropes of artifact preservation. 

“I’ve always been fascinated by American history, but Hawaiʻi opened up an entirely new world for me,” Edelman explains. “The history program at HPU offered classes I never imagined I’d take—like the history of Spain, and the Hawaiian monarchy. Professor Askman’s classes were some of my favorites.”

Edelman’s interests in history extend beyond the classroom. Today, she’s continuing her journey at the Hawaiian Mission Houses Historical Site and Archives, where she works alongside the archivist to preserve artifacts and delve deeper into Hawaiʻi’s past. Not stopping there, she’s also begun volunteering at the Queen Emma Summer Palace, where she’s working directly in the historic main house, surrounded by rare artifacts of Hawaiʻi’s royal legacy.

“One of my favorite things about working in archives is getting to immerse myself in the stories behind every object,” Edelman says with a smile. “Even if something seems insignificant, it might have been incredibly meaningful to someone long ago." 

Edelman’s interests don’t stop with preserving the past—she’s also fascinated by how history has shaped fashion. Having studied historical fashion throughout high school, she hopes to combine her love of history with her eye for style, perhaps working as a fashion consultant for period dramas on television.

“Historical fashion is such a great way to connect with the past. I’d love to bring those stories to life through costume design,” she said.

Beyond her volunteer work, Edelman also finds joy in helping the next generation of students, working part-time at the Hongwanji Mission School in Honolulu, guiding children in afterschool care. And with her fiancé, also an HPU student, by her side, the couple plans to stay in Hawaiʻi, embracing the island lifestyle for the foreseeable future.

“Moving to Hawaiʻi gave me the independence I needed to grow,” Edelman reflects. “Being so far from home allowed me to mature faster, and I loved how HPU’s small community made it easy to connect. Professor Askman was pivotal in setting me up with internships, and his connections to the local community made all the difference.”

Looking ahead, Edelman has her sights set on earning a master’s degree in history. “Now that I’ve gained hands-on experience, I’m excited to explore the areas of history that truly fascinate me. There’s so much left to uncover," she said.

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