Capstone Symposium

Capstone Symposium

Capstone Symposium

The Capstone Symposium is an annual virtual event at Hawaii Pacific University to promote academic excellence, learning with real-world purposes, interdisciplinary exchanges, and HPU-community connections.


HPU's 13 th annual capstone symposium will be held VIRTUALLY on Friday,  April 25, 2025

Please visit the 2025 Capstone Symposium Event website for additional information.

Presentation videos will be available on April 24. Live presentations will be open on April 25. 

Schedule, April 25, 2025:

  • Opening Ceremony: 9:15 - 9:30 a.m.
  • Session One: 9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
  • Session Two: 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
  • Session Three: 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
  • Award Ceremony: 3:00 - 3:30 p.m. 

HPU students and faculty, student families, potential employers, and community members.



  • share what they have accomplished in their degree program
  • showcase their competency, creativity, and innovation in certain areas
  • relate discipline-specific learning outcomes to real-world applications
  • link their knowledge and abilities to future employment or higher education
  • substantiate professional development and achievement



  • what HPU students can accomplish by the time they graduate
  • what different degree programs can offer
  • how HPU contributes to the local community and the world


Presentation Format: Pre-recorded videos and concurrent live presentations in 3 sessions (9:30 - 11:00a.m., 11:00am - 12:30pm; 12:30 - 2:00pm).


Presenter Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students who  (a) are completing a capstone experience in the current spring semester, or  (b) have completed a capstone experience in the fall semester before the current spring semester, or (c) are going to be in a capstone experience in the summer or fall semester following the current spring semester and have completed substantial capstone work in the current spring semester. Students in category (c) need to have their academic program director's approval to be eligible to present at the capstone symposium. The approval must be sent to the Capstone Symposium chair at the time of proposal submission.


Awards: Undergraduate and Graduate students compete within their division for the following awards:

  • Outstanding Research Award
  • Outstanding Project with Practical Application Award
  • Outstanding Creative Work Award
  • Outstanding Internship/Practicum Award 
  • College Dean's Awards (one award in each college)


Submitting A Presentation proposal

Deadline for 2025 proposal submission: 12:00 noon, Monday, April 7, 2025

Acceptance notification: Friday, April 11, 2025

Steps to prepare and submit a proposal:

  1. Preview the Submission form at the HPU Capstone Symposium 2025 website to make sure you have all required information. Click on each Track to view its sub-questions. 
  2. In consultation with your mentor, determine the Track/Category of your proposed capstone presentation. It is important that your presentation is in the appropriate track, since it will be evaluated within its track for an award. 
  3. Write your proposal, which must include:
    1. A title no more than 20 words, typed in Title Case Like This 
    2. An abstract no more than 200 words, covering content appropriate to your capstone experience track/category
      • Research track: include theoretical framework, research questions, methods, findings, and implications
      • Project with practical application track: include purpose, theoretical background, relevance, outcomes, and broader implications
      • Creative work track: include motivation for work, description of work, innovation or creative aspects, how the work demonstrates a culmination of learning and broader connections
      • Internship/practicum experience track: include a description of the internship site, learning points gained in experience, the connection between practice and theory, and implications for future career and broader audience
      The Submission form will ask for track-specific information.
    3. Mentor's Endorsement (required): Before submitting your proposal, ask your Capstone Mentor, who must be an HPU faculty member, to fill out and sign this Mentor Endorsement form. You will need to attach this form with your submission.
  4. Register for the event (required) at the HPU Capstone Symposium 2025 website.
  5. Submit your proposal.

For more information, see presentation guidelines and past symposia.



Sponsors: Office of Academic Affairs, College Deans, Career Services Center, Marketing and Communications

Organizers: Capstone Symposium Organizers: Dr. Brett Neilson (Graduate College of Health Sciences, Chair), Dr. Hanh Nguyen (College of Liberal Arts, Vice-Chair), Dr. Noelia Paez (College of Business), Dr. Mary Smith (College of Natural and Computer Sciences), Dr. Amy Sadek (Graduate College of Health Sciences). A sub-committee of the Program Review and Learning Assessment Committee.


Questions? Contact Dr. Brett Neilson (Chair) or Dr. Hanh Nguyen (Vice-Chair)