Campuses and Facilities
A Variety of Landscapes
HPU combines the excitement of an urban downtown campus and an aquaculture research facility, Oceanic Institute, which borders the ocean. The main campus is located in downtown Honolulu, the business and financial center of the Pacific.
The downtown campus is in the center of Honolulu’s business district. HPU's College of Business, which is headquartered in Pioneer Plaza includes state of the art computer based classrooms along with meeting spaces. The Library at Waterfront Plaza provides a multitude of general and specialized resources, including a business reference collection, a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) collection, and many online databases and journals. The circulating book collections support communications, computer studies, education, literature, social sciences, and other curriculum areas. Also available are study areas, group study rooms, computer workstations, and wireless Internet. The Tutoring and Testing Center provides free tutoring in all core subjects.
In 2016, HPU opened its downtown INBRE (IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence) research labs, providing students with cutting edge instrumentation and laboratory facilities.
It is also home to HPU's Aloha Tower Marketplace (ATM) that serves as an anchor for HPU in the downtown area. ATM is a mixed-use facility that includes student housing, HPU's Welcome Center, Learning Commons, Faculty/Student Lounge, and a variety of restaurants, businesses, classrooms, and meeting rooms.
This campus is the site of Oceanic Institute, a research and development organization dedicated to aquaculture, biotechnology, and coastal resource management. Located on a 56-acre site at Makapu‘u Point on the windward coast of O‘ahu, this campus includes over 100,000 ft2 of roofed laboratory and office space, numerous tanks ranging from 1.5- to 30-ton capacity, outdoor ponds, and additional training and educational facilities. The campus also houses a learning annex which supports biotechnology research and education with two research labs, a teaching lab, and a classroom. At the Makapu‘u Campus, HPU offers advanced courses in marine science and hands-on research and internship opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate students.
HPU is also present on military installations on the island of O‘ahu, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, Schofield Army Barracks, Fort Shafter, Tripler Army Medical Center, Marine Corps Base Hawai’i – Kaneohe, and Marine Corps Base Hawai’i – Camp H.M. Smith. The Military Campus Programs' faculty and staff specialize in helping U.S. service members, dependents, and U.S.D.O.D. personnel achieve their educational and professional goals.

Oceanic Institute
41-202 Kalanianaole Highway
Waimanalo, HI 96795