Public Health
Public Health is one of the most dynamic, exciting, and interconnected professions in the world. Public Health professionals are superheroes who work behind the scenes and out in the field to investigate, identify, and address the causes of illnesses, injuries, health problems, and health disparities. Public Health professionals do whatever it takes and develop innovative solutions in order to ensure the health, happiness, and success of individuals, families, and communities where they live, learn, work, and play--locally and globally.
From disease outbreaks, physical or mental health conditions, natural or man-made disasters, and to socioeconomic injustices, Public Health professionals are there to help, heal, advocate, and support. Public Health is a rewarding career that offers limitless opportunities to travel and work in communities and with governments around the world through science, education, service, and leadership. There are growing workforce demands for Public Health professionals--locally, nationally, and internationally--which enable our graduates to find a wide range of career options that match their interests and ambitions.
Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH)
Our Mission
Our mission is to promote health locally, nationally, regionally, and globally through innovative educational and experiential opportunities for our students, by supporting our faculty in teaching excellence and scholarship, and as community partners in public health in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific region.
Our Values
The faculty, staff, and students of the Department of Public Health join the rest of the Hawai‘i Pacific University community in embracing the following values as representative of the spiritual, ethical, and philosophical principles that support our community, as well as of the aspirational ideals to which we collectively aspire.
- PONO - meaning righteous, honest and moral, and an energy of necessity.
- KULEANA - meaning responsibility and rights, and concern for all interests, property, and people.
- ALOHA - meaning hello, goodbye, love, kindness and grace, unity, humility, patience and waiting for the right moment.
HPU's Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) and Master of Public Health (MPH) programs are accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). Our accreditation self-study reports may be requested by contacting our Public Health Program Administrative Assistant, Sandey Gorodinsky, at sgorodinsky@hpu.edu.
Third Party Comments
The Program of Public Health at Hawaii Pacific University is undergoing a review by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) for reaccreditation. Part of this process includes the provision of a third-party comment period, which allows anyone, including students, alumni, faculty, staff, community and practice partners, and members of the public, to share relevant information about the program directly with CEPH. If you have any information about the programs you would like to share with CEPH to inform their review, send your comments to submissions@ceph.org by September 30, 2024 before the site visit.