HPU Doctor of Physical Therapy
Honolulu Program
Hawai‘i Pacific University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy (HPU DPT) program in Honolulu, is the first and only
Doctor of Physical Therapy program in Hawai‘i! Our urban campus is in the heart of downtown Honolulu, a
dynamic and culturally diverse community. The lab facilities are conveniently located at Waterfront Plaza, near
the Kaka‘ako restaurant district and bustling Honolulu harbor. The Honolulu campus has a state-of-the-art
simulation center, including a hands-on anatomy cadaver lab experience.
This program in Honolulu promotes interprofessional education and fosters collaboration opportunities with
the other Graduate College of Health Sciences programs. Our students benefit from intentional community
engagement allowing them to immerse themselves in Hawaiian culture. The faculty in this program are not
only clinical experts but also thought leaders in the field of physical therapy, and they are certified in hybrid
For local residents (kamaʻāina), studying at the Honolulu campus provides the opportunity to remain in Hawai‘i
for their education and continue serving the community after graduation. Students coming from outside
Hawai‘i will journey to the Honolulu campus to engage in hands-on learning and to experience the natural
beauty of Hawai‘i, all while becoming part of the unique ‘ohana they will join.
Important Dates
application cycle: Currently open
Application deadline: April 15th, 2025
Class of 2027 starts: August 25, 2025
graduation Date: August of each year
graduation Ceremony: December of each year
The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program in Honolulu, HI at Hawaiʻi Pacific University is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: accreditation@apta.org; website: http://www.capteonline.org. If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call (808) 356-5298 or email dpt@hpu.edu.
Any individual may file a complaint regarding aspects of the DPT Program. Complaints should be submitted in writing to the Program Director. The Program Director has the discretionary authority to gather additional information to take appropriate action or involve other university officials if necessary. If the complaint involves the Program Director, it should be submitted in writing to the HPU Provost.
Any individual who would like to file a complaint with CAPTE regarding what appears to be the DPT Program’s inability to meet an evaluative criterion may do so by following the directions provided on the CAPTE website (http://www.capteonline.org/Complaints/ ) or may call the Department of Accreditation of APTA at 703-706-3245.
Any individual may file a complaint regarding aspects of the DPT Program. Complaints should be submitted in writing to the Program Director. The Program Director has the discretionary authority to gather additional information to take appropriate action or involve other university officials if necessary. If the complaint involves the Program Director, it should be submitted in writing to the Program Director. The Program Director has the discretionary authority to gather additional information to take appropriate action or involve other university officials if necessary. If the complaint involves the Program Director, it should be submitted in writing to the HPU Provost.
No University faculty or staff member may interfere with the good faith reporting of suspected or actual wrongful conduct. No individual who makes such a good faith report shall be subject to unlawful retaliation, including harassment or adverse employment consequences because that individual has made a good faith report.
DPT 8210 Physical Therapy Fundamentals 3 credits
Prepares students for patient care activities including, patient-centered communication, assessing vital signs, body mechanics awareness, patient positioning and draping, transfers, assistive device training, and basic exercise. Learners will be introduced to fundamental physical therapy skills for various clinical settings and a patient management framework used throughout the curriculum. Psychomotor skills that are foundational to examination and evaluation are introduced, including vital signs, goniometry, range of motion, muscle testing, and anthropometric measures. Students will develop patient interview and documentation skills, perform examination tests and measures, and use standardized patient outcome measures.
DPT 8110 Human Anatomy I 4 credits
Introduces foundational knowledge of gross anatomy and neuroanatomy. Explores the clinical application of embryology, histology, and joint structure and function and the forces that affect human movement across the lifespan within a systems approach emphasizing the musculoskeletal, vascular, and neurological aspects of the extremities, cervical, and lumbar regions. Course activities include 3-dimensional anatomy software, living/surface anatomy, and cadaver prosections as available. This course addresses the content of the muscular, vascular, and neurological systems across regions, including the lumbar and cervical spines, pelvis, and extremities. Emphasis is on the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal anatomy.
DPT 8220 Movement Science 2 credits
Introduces students to the fundamentals of movement science, offers a framework for understanding normal and abnormal movement, and includes kinesiology, neuroscience, physiology, motor control, and motor learning concepts. The course will integrate theory and basic principles of motor behavior, motor development, motor control, and motor learning as they relate to human motor performance and gait across the lifespan. Emphasis is on the integration of theory, structured movement analyses of activities performed in daily life, and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) model to inform clinical decision-making in physical therapist practice.
DPT 8410 Professional Competencies I 1 credit
Introduces students to the professional roles and responsibilities of the physical therapist and the interprofessional healthcare team. Integrates emotional/social intelligence, concepts of flourishing, learning theories, learning styles, characteristics of learners through the lifespan, and literacy and communication issues for patients. This course prepares students for the professional curriculum and clinical practice as life-long learners.
DPT 8230 Therapeutic Interventions I 3 credits
Introduces and integrates musculoskeletal biomechanical principles to joint structure and function, movement analysis, and therapeutic interventions. Introduces the principles and application of therapeutic exercise and manual therapy for the management of patients with pain and mobility impairments. Integrates current evidence and clinical decision-making to emphasize appropriate selection, instruction, assessment, and progression of interventions.
DPT 8120 Human Anatomy II 3 credits
Expands upon the foundational knowledge of gross anatomy and neuroanatomy of Human Anatomy I. Explores the clinical application of embryology, histology, and joint structure and function and the forces that affect human movement across the lifespan within a systems approach emphasizing the musculoskeletal, vascular, and neurological aspects of the thorax, abdominal, pelvic, and cranio-facial regions. Course activities include 3-dimensional anatomy software, living/surface anatomy, and anatomical models. Students will have the opportunity to study the gross anatomy of the central and autonomic nervous systems, along with the muscular, vascular, and neurological systems of the thorax and craniofacial regions. Selected vascular, neurological and visceral components of the digestive, cardiopulmonary, and urogenital systems are also included in this course.
DPT 8130 Human Physiology 3 credits
Explores the physiology and pathophysiology of the cellular, integumentary, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, and pulmonary systems. Studies medical physiologic principles necessary for physical activity and the associated effects of physical activity on health and wellness across the lifespan.
DPT 8310 Evidence-based Practice I 2 credits
Introduces the foundation to general research and evidence-based principles by exploring research methodologies and outcome measures used in health care. Introduces foundational concepts of scientific inquiry for clinicians with creating clinical questions, searches appropriate literature sources, and assesses the evidence quality.
DPT 8240 Therapeutic Interventions II 2 credits
Introduces the principles and application of selected physical agents for the management of patients with pain and tissue injury while addressing impairments related to mobility, strength, and motor control. Integrates current evidence and clinical decision-making to emphasize appropriate selection, instruction, and progression of interventions.
DPT 8510 Musculoskeletal Practice I 3 credits
Initiates the clinical application of biomechanics, functional movement, and examination principles for neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction of the lumbar spine, pelvis, and hip regions. Concentrates on the application of psychomotor skills related to regional palpation, examination, and evidence-based interventions emphasizing patient education, manual therapy, and therapeutic exercise in a patient-centered approach across the lifespan.
DPT 8250 Health Promotion & Fitness Management 2 credits
Introduces prevention, health, wellness, and fitness as they relate to injury prevention, nutritional influences, fitness testing, and exercise prescription in a healthy population. Students develop injury prevention and exercise programs based on test results and adapt the execution to specific healthy populations using proper clinical procedures.
DPT 8140 Clinical Neuroscience I 2 credits
Explores the neuroscience of the movement system, with emphasis on the neuroanatomical structures and neurophysiological functions of the motor and sensory systems that regulate movement.
DPT 8150 Clinical Neuroscience II 2 credits
Applies the neuroscience of the movement system, with emphasis on the neuroanatomical structures and neurophysiological functions of the motor and sensory systems that regulate movement. Lab activities emphasize elements of the neurologic examination and an introduction to common outcome measures and assessment tools.
DPT 8520 Musculoskeletal Practice II 3 credits
Explores the clinical application of biomechanics, functional movement, and examination principles for neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction of the lower extremities. Concentrates on the application of psychomotor skills related to regional palpation, examination, and evidence-based interventions emphasizing patient education, manual physical therapy, and therapeutic exercise in a patient-centered approach across the lifespan.
DPT 8630 Bracing, Orthotics, and Prosthetics 2 credits
Introduces concepts of materials, design, fabrication, and technology of braces/orthotic/prosthetic devices and provide opportunities for clinical decision making relating to using these devices in physical therapy practice. Course activities emphasize gait analysis, movement analysis, residual limb management, wearing/fitting of orthotics/prosthetics, the importance of interprofessional collaboration, and the psychological considerations of the patient with orthotic/prosthetic devices through the lifespan.
DPT 8710 Pharmacology 2 credits
Introduces pharmacologic principles, the study of prescription and/or over-the-counter medications used in the management of a variety of patient conditions encountered during physical therapy management, and their impact on patient management across the lifespan. The impact of medications on patient presentations, timing of rehabilitation sessions, and physical therapy outcomes are emphasized. Content included cardiovascular, pulmonary, neurological, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, urogenital, rheumatologic, and integumentary systems.
DPT 8530 Musculoskeletal Practice III 3 credits
Explores the clinical application of biomechanics, functional movement, and examination principles for neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction of the cervicothoracic region. Concentrates on the application of psychomotor skills related to regional palpation, examination, and evidence-based interventions emphasizing patient education, manual physical therapy, and therapeutic exercise in a patient-centered approach across the lifespan.
DPT 8610 Neuromuscular Practice I 2 credits
Focuses on the physical therapy management of common neurological health conditions that result in impairments in body structure/function, activity limitations and participation restrictions. Emphasis is placed on interventions utilizing a functional task-oriented approach with the application and integration of motor control/learning, neuroplasticity, movement analysis, evidence-based practice, and the patient/client management model.
DPT 8720 Cardiopulmonary Practice 4 credits
Introduces the physical therapy management of patients with cardiovascular and pulmonary causes of movement system dysfunction across a variety of clinical settings. Course activities include, but are not limited to, ECG analysis, exercise testing, heart and lung auscultation, lung function testing, and chest examinations. Case discussions are presented to enhance communication, safety, patient management skills, and discharge planning.
DPT 8320 Evidence-based Practice II 2 credits
Expands elements of applied research design and statistics that foster students to become intelligent consumers of scientific literature. Items related to measurement, research design, statistical analysis, critical inquiry, and strength of evidence are presented.
DPT 8540 Musculoskeletal Practice IV 3 credits
Explores the clinical application of biomechanics, functional movement, and examination principles for neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction of the upper extremities. Concentrates on the application of psychomotor skills related to regional palpation, examination, and evidence-based interventions emphasizing patient education, manual physical therapy, and therapeutic exercise in a patient-centered approach across the lifespan.
DPT 8620 Neuromuscular Practice II 3 credits
Continues with the physical therapy management of neurological health conditions that result in impairments in body structure/function, activity limitations and participation restrictions and expands to include specialty areas of neurologic physical therapy. Emphasis is placed on interventions utilizing a functional task-oriented approach with the application and integration of motor control/learning, neuroplasticity, movement analysis, evidence-based practice, and the patient/client management model.
DPT 8640 Management of the Aging Adult 3 credits
Introduces the physiologic changes of aging and sociologic and economic consequences of an aging population. Reviews natural aging processes and how complicating factors such as vascular compromise, fall risk, and comorbidities negatively impact the aging adult. Course activities focus on patient management skills in the aging adult patient.
DPT 8910 Physical Therapy Practice I 8 credits
Develops student examination, evaluation, and intervention skills during an 8-week mentored clinical experience. The student begins to communicate with patients/clients, family, and other professionals in healthcare and begins to appreciate the role of each team member. This is an integrated clinical experience which builds on the didactic and psychomotor courses within the curriculum. This clinical experience is the first practice experience where students are exposed to evidence-based patient management and clinical reasoning skills as an adult learner and a healthcare professional as part of an interprofessional collaborative team.
DPT 8730 Management of Complex Patients 4 credits
Introduces patient management strategies for the medically complex patient. Community-based strategies and outpatient management for patients with primary disease or comorbidities of the cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, oncologic, lymphatic, and integumentary systems are emphasized. Students will design individual and community-based interventions for effective screening and disease management.
DPT 8650 Management of the Pediatric Patient 3 credits
Using a framework of normal development from birth to young adulthood, this course presents fundamental concepts for the physical therapy management of children and adolescents with musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardiopulmonary dysfunction. Topics include atypical developmental and associated impairments, functional limitations and participation restrictions. Topics of family centered care, advocacy, and assistive technologies are implicit in this course.
DPT 8810 Diagnostics and imaging 2 credits
Integrates concepts of diagnostic testing and imaging of the major systems of the body regions related to physical therapy practice. Specific content reviews diagnostic ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, nuclear medicine, and radiographs. Rationale and guidelines for examination selection are introduced, and clinical scenarios provide an emphasis on critical thinking regarding the utility and interpretation of medical diagnostic tests.
DPT 8261 Therapeutic Interventions II 2 credits
Expands on the students’ management of patients with pain and movement system dysfunctions. Interventions include the progression of contemporary therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, neuromuscular reeducation, and patient/education/communication skills. Emphasis will be placed on analysis and integration of current best evidence into the patient’s plan of care. Course activities include clinical application and case scenarios to challenge clinical reasoning for the progression of comprehensive treatment plans.
DPT 8270 Integrative Pain Sciences 2 credits
This course provides an overview of supporting persons with persistent pain syndromes associated with neuromusculoskeletal disorders and psychosocial factors using emerging and evidence-based concepts of pain assessment, treatment, and outcomes. Using contemporary models, this course reflects the interprofessional consensus of core competencies for prelicensure health professions education in patient management and emphasizes a comprehensive pain management approach to optimize patient outcomes.
DPT 8660 Primary Care Physical Therapy 2 credits
This course explores the therapist's role as an interdependent practitioner working within a collaborative medical model. Presenting the clinical tools and decision-making processes necessary to more efficiently and effectively collect, evaluate, and communicate examination data while promoting differential diagnostic principles and clinical decision-making. This course will have a service-learning experience for the students' annual wellness and screening to improve the health of the HPU community.
DPT 8440 Business Management & Entrepreneurship 3 credits
This course provides an overview of basic business principles, as it relates to the practice of physical therapy with a systems-based thinking healthcare approach. Students will gain knowledge on various topics related to healthcare business management. There is a specific focus on understanding payer relationships, diagnostic coding, current procedural terminology, clinical productivity, and operating margin. The course will prepare students to be stewards of fiscal responsibility in the field of physical therapy.
DPT 8920 Physical Therapy Practice II 8 credits
This course advances the student’s ability to perform examination, evaluation, and intervention skills during an 8-week mentored clinical internship. The student further develops the ability to communicate with patients/clients, family, and other healthcare professionals. Emphasizes evidence-based patient management and clinical reasoning skills as an adult learner and a healthcare professional as part of an interprofessional collaborative team.
DPT 8420 Professional Competencies II 2 credits
This course prepares students professionally and emotionally for physical therapy clinical practice, including roles as a lifelong learner, clinical research, advocacy roles, and clinical educator. The student explores major forms of healthcare delivery and how they interact with physical therapy services, including but not limited to, medical ethics, health care regulations, and risk management strategies. This course blends topics through case applications that explore communication, individual and cultural differences, professional behavior and abilities, ethics, legal issues, and risk management within patient care.
TERM 11 (16 WEEKS)
DPT 8950 Physical Therapy Practice III 16 credits
Progresses students to entry-level patient management skills during a final 16-week mentored clinical experience. This course emphasizes evidence-based patient management and clinical reasoning skills as an adult learner and a healthcare professional as part of an interprofessional collaborative team. The student will demonstrate consistent and effective time management abilities in treating patients and procuring accurate documentation.
DPT 8350 Capstone 2 credits
Integrates and applies cumulative knowledge from all previous didactic courses and clinical experiences. By developing a professional portfolio, students will be engaged in reflective practice that integrates content learned across the curriculum, direct application relative to patient interactions, clinical experiences, APTA core values, and professional growth since commencing their DPT education. Students will develop a study plan and take a comprehensive exam simulating the National Physical Therapy Licensure Examination.
DPT 8210 Physical Therapy Fundamentals 3 credits
Prepares students for patient care activities including, patient-centered communication, assessing vital signs, body mechanics awareness, patient positioning and draping, transfers, assistive device training, and basic exercise. Learners will be introduced to fundamental physical therapy skills for various clinical settings and a patient management framework used throughout the curriculum. Psychomotor skills that are foundational to examination and evaluation are introduced, including vital signs, goniometry, range of motion, muscle testing, and anthropometric measures. Students will develop patient interview and documentation skills, perform examination tests and measures, and use standardized patient outcome measures.
DPT 8110 Human Anatomy I 4 credits
Introduces foundational knowledge of gross anatomy and neuroanatomy. Explores the clinical application of embryology, histology, and joint structure and function and the forces that affect human movement across the lifespan within a systems approach emphasizing the musculoskeletal, vascular, and neurological aspects of the extremities, cervical, and lumbar regions. Course activities include 3-dimensional anatomy software, living/surface anatomy, and cadaver prosections as available. This course addresses the content of the muscular, vascular, and neurological systems across regions, including the lumbar and cervical spines, pelvis, and extremities. Emphasis is on the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal anatomy.
DPT 8250 Health Promotion & Fitness Management 2 credits
Introduces prevention, health, wellness, and fitness as they relate to injury prevention, nutritional influences, fitness testing, and exercise prescription in a healthy population. Students develop injury prevention and exercise programs based on test results and adapt the execution to specific healthy populations using proper clinical procedures.
DPT 8410 Professional Competencies I 1 credit
Introduces students to the professional roles and responsibilities of the physical therapist and the interprofessional healthcare team. Integrates emotional/social intelligence, concepts of flourishing, learning theories, learning styles, characteristics of learners through the lifespan, and literacy and communication issues for patients. This course prepares students for the professional curriculum and clinical practice as life-long learners.
DPT 8230 Therapeutic Interventions I 3 credits
Introduces and integrates musculoskeletal biomechanical principles to joint structure and function, movement analysis, and therapeutic interventions. Introduces the principles and application of therapeutic exercise and manual therapy for the management of patients with pain and mobility impairments. Integrates current evidence and clinical decision-making to emphasize appropriate selection, instruction, assessment, and progression of interventions.
DPT 8120 Human Anatomy II 3 credits
Expands upon the foundational knowledge of gross anatomy and neuroanatomy of Human Anatomy I. Explores the clinical application of embryology, histology, and joint structure and function and the forces that affect human movement across the lifespan within a systems approach emphasizing the musculoskeletal, vascular, and neurological aspects of the thorax, abdominal, pelvic, and cranio-facial regions. Course activities include 3-dimensional anatomy software, living/surface anatomy, and anatomical models. Students will have the opportunity to study the gross anatomy of the central and autonomic nervous systems, along with the muscular, vascular, and neurological systems of the thorax and craniofacial regions. Selected vascular, neurological and visceral components of the digestive, cardiopulmonary, and urogenital systems are also included in this course.
DPT 8130 Human Physiology 3 credits
Explores the physiology and pathophysiology of the cellular, integumentary, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, and pulmonary systems. Studies medical physiologic principles necessary for physical activity and the associated effects of physical activity on health and wellness across the lifespan.
DPT 8310 Evidence-based Practice I 2 credits
Introduces the foundation to general research and evidence-based principles by exploring research methodologies and outcome measures used in health care. Introduces foundational concepts of scientific inquiry for clinicians with creating clinical questions, searches appropriate literature sources, and assesses the evidence quality.
DPT 8240 Therapeutic Modalities 2 credits
Introduces the principles and application of selected therapeutic modalities to address impairments related to pain, tissue healing, mobility, strength, and motor control. Integrates current evidence and clinical decision-making to emphasize appropriate selection, instruction, and progression of interventions.
DPT 8510 Musculoskeletal Practice I 3 credits
Initiates the clinical application of biomechanics, functional movement, and examination principles for neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction of the lumbar spine, pelvis, and hip regions. Concentrates on the application of psychomotor skills related to regional palpation, examination, and evidence-based interventions emphasizing patient education, manual therapy, and therapeutic exercise in a patient-centered approach across the lifespan.
DPT 8220 Movement Science 2 credits
Introduces students to the fundamentals of movement science, offers a framework for understanding normal and abnormal movement, and includes kinesiology, neuroscience, physiology, motor control, and motor learning concepts. The course will integrate theory and basic principles of motor behavior, motor development, motor control, and motor learning as they relate to human motor performance and gait across the lifespan. Emphasis is on the integration of theory, structured movement analyses of activities performed in daily life, and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) model to inform clinical decision-making in physical therapist practice.
DPT 8140 Clinical Neuroscience I 2 credits
Explores the neuroscience of the movement system, with emphasis on the neuroanatomical structures and neurophysiological functions of the motor and sensory systems that regulate movement.
DPT 8150 Clinical Neuroscience II 2 credits
Applies the neuroscience of the movement system, with emphasis on the neuroanatomical structures and neurophysiological functions of the motor and sensory systems that regulate movement. Lab activities emphasize elements of the neurologic examination and an introduction to common outcome measures and assessment tools.
DPT 8520 Musculoskeletal Practice II 3 credits
Explores the clinical application of biomechanics, functional movement, and examination principles for neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction of the lower extremities. Concentrates on the application of psychomotor skills related to regional palpation, examination, and evidence-based interventions emphasizing patient education, manual physical therapy, and therapeutic exercise in a patient-centered approach across the lifespan.
DPT 8630 Bracing, Orthotics, and Prosthetics 2 credits
Introduces concepts of materials, design, fabrication, and technology of braces/orthotic/prosthetic devices and provide opportunities for clinical decision making relating to using these devices in physical therapy practice. Course activities emphasize gait analysis, movement analysis, residual limb management, wearing/fitting of orthotics/prosthetics, the importance of interprofessional collaboration, and the psychological considerations of the patient with orthotic/prosthetic devices through the lifespan.
DPT 8710 Pharmacology 2 credits
Introduces pharmacologic principles, the study of prescription and/or over-the-counter medications used in the management of a variety of patient conditions encountered during physical therapy management, and their impact on patient management across the lifespan. The impact of medications on patient presentations, timing of rehabilitation sessions, and physical therapy outcomes are emphasized. Content included cardiovascular, pulmonary, neurological, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, urogenital, rheumatologic, and integumentary systems.
DPT 8530 Musculoskeletal Practice III 3 credits
Explores the clinical application of biomechanics, functional movement, and examination principles for neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction of the cervicothoracic region. Concentrates on the application of psychomotor skills related to regional palpation, examination, and evidence-based interventions emphasizing patient education, manual physical therapy, and therapeutic exercise in a patient-centered approach across the lifespan.
DPT 8610 Neuromuscular Practice I 2 credits
Focuses on the physical therapy management of common neurological health conditions that result in impairments in body structure/function, activity limitations and participation restrictions. Emphasis is placed on interventions utilizing a functional task-oriented approach with the application and integration of motor control/learning, neuroplasticity, movement analysis, evidence-based practice, and the patient/client management model.
DPT 8721 Cardiopulmonary Practice I 3 credits
Introduces the physical therapy management of patients with cardiovascular and pulmonary causes of movement system dysfunction across a variety of clinical settings. Course activities include, but are not limited to, ECG analysis, exercise testing, heart and lung auscultation, lung function testing, and chest examinations. Case discussions are presented to enhance communication, safety, patient management skills, and discharge planning.
DPT 8320 Evidence-based Practice II 2 credits
Expands elements of applied research design and statistics that foster students to become intelligent consumers of scientific literature. Items related to measurement, research design, statistical analysis, critical inquiry, and strength of evidence are presented.
DPT 8540 Musculoskeletal Practice IV 3 credits
Explores the clinical application of biomechanics, functional movement, and examination principles for neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction of the upper extremities. Concentrates on the application of psychomotor skills related to regional palpation, examination, and evidence-based interventions emphasizing patient education, manual physical therapy, and therapeutic exercise in a patient-centered approach across the lifespan.
DPT 8620 Neuromuscular Practice II 3 credits
Continues with the physical therapy management of neurological health conditions that result in impairments in body structure/function, activity limitations and participation restrictions and expands to include specialty areas of neurologic physical therapy. Emphasis is placed on interventions utilizing a functional task-oriented approach with the application and integration of motor control/learning, neuroplasticity, movement analysis, evidence-based practice, and the patient/client management model.
DPT 8640 Management of the Aging Adult 3 credits
Introduces the physiologic changes of aging and sociologic and economic consequences of an aging population. Reviews natural aging processes and how complicating factors such as vascular compromise, fall risk, and comorbidities negatively impact the aging adult. Course activities focus patient management skills on the aging adult patient.
DPT 8722 Cardiopulmonary Practice II 1 credit
Continues the physical therapy management of patients with cardiovascular, metabolic, and pulmonary causes of movement system dysfunction across the lifespan. Case discussions are presented to integrate evidence-based practice and enhance clinical decision-making and documentation for patients presenting across a variety of clinical settings.
DPT 8910 Physical Therapy Practice I 8 credits
Develops student examination, evaluation, and intervention skills during an 8-week mentored clinical experience. The student begins to communicate with patients/clients, family, and other professionals in healthcare and begins to appreciate the role of each team member. This is an integrated clinical experience which builds on the didactic and psychomotor courses within the curriculum. This clinical experience is the first practice experience where students are exposed to evidence-based patient management and clinical reasoning skills as an adult learner and a healthcare professional as part of an interprofessional collaborative team.
DPT 8730 Management of Complex Patients 4 credits
Introduces patient management strategies for the medically complex patient. Community-based strategies and outpatient management for patients with primary disease or comorbidities of the cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, oncologic, lymphatic, and integumentary systems are emphasized. Students will design individual and community-based interventions for effective screening and disease management.
DPT 8650 Management of the Pediatric Patient 3 credits
Using a framework of normal development from birth to young adulthood, this course presents fundamental concepts for the physical therapy management of children and adolescents with musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardiopulmonary dysfunction. Topics include atypical developmental and associated impairments, functional limitations and participation restrictions. Topics of family centered care, advocacy, and assistive technologies are implicit in this course.
DPT 8810 Diagnostics and imaging 2 credits
Integrates concepts of diagnostic testing and imaging of the major systems of the body regions related to physical therapy practice. Specific content reviews diagnostic ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, nuclear medicine, and radiographs. Rationale and guidelines for examination selection are introduced, and clinical scenarios provide an emphasis on critical thinking regarding the utility and interpretation of medical diagnostic tests.
DPT 8261 Therapeutic Interventions II 2 credits
Expands on the students’ management of patients with pain and movement system dysfunctions. Interventions include the progression of contemporary therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, neuromuscular reeducation, and patient/education/communication skills. Emphasis will be placed on analysis and integration of current best evidence into the patient’s plan of care. Course activities include clinical application and case scenarios to challenge clinical reasoning for the progression of comprehensive treatment plans.
DPT 8270 Integrative Pain Sciences 2 credits
This course provides an overview of supporting persons with persistent pain syndromes associated with neuromusculoskeletal disorders and psychosocial factors using emerging and evidence-based concepts of pain assessment, treatment, and outcomes. Using contemporary models, this course reflects the interprofessional consensus of core competencies for prelicensure health professions education in patient management and emphasizes a comprehensive pain management approach to optimize patient outcomes.
DPT 8660 Primary Care Physical Therapy 2 credits
This course explores the therapist's role as an interdependent practitioner working within a collaborative medical model. Presenting the clinical tools and decision-making processes necessary to more efficiently and effectively collect, evaluate, and communicate examination data while promoting differential diagnostic principles and clinical decision-making. This course will have a service-learning experience for the students' annual wellness and screening to improve the health of the HPU community.
DPT 8440 Business Management & Entrepreneurship 3 credits
This course provides an overview of basic business principles, as it relates to the practice of physical therapy with a systems-based thinking healthcare approach. Students will gain knowledge on various topics related to healthcare business management. There is a specific focus on understanding payer relationships, diagnostic coding, current procedural terminology, clinical productivity, and operating margin. The course will prepare students to be stewards of fiscal responsibility in the field of physical therapy.
DPT 8920 Physical Therapy Practice II 8 credits
This course advances the student’s ability to perform examination, evaluation, and intervention skills during an 8-week mentored clinical internship. The student further develops the ability to communicate with patients/clients, family, and other healthcare professionals. Emphasizes evidence-based patient management and clinical reasoning skills as an adult learner and a healthcare professional as part of an interprofessional collaborative team.
DPT 8420 Professional Competencies II 2 credits
This course prepares students professionally and emotionally for physical therapy clinical practice, including roles as a lifelong learner, clinical research, advocacy roles, and clinical educator. The student explores major forms of healthcare delivery and how they interact with physical therapy services, including but not limited to, medical ethics, health care regulations, and risk management strategies. This course blends topics through case applications that explore communication, individual and cultural differences, professional behavior and abilities, ethics, legal issues, and risk management within patient care.
TERM 11 (16 WEEKS)
DPT 8950 Physical Therapy Practice III 16 credits
Progresses students to entry-level patient management skills during a final 16-week mentored clinical experience. This course emphasizes evidence-based patient management and clinical reasoning skills as an adult learner and a healthcare professional as part of an interprofessional collaborative team. The student will demonstrate consistent and effective time management abilities in treating patients and procuring accurate documentation.
DPT 8350 Capstone 2 credit
Integrates and applies cumulative knowledge from all previous didactic courses and clinical experiences. By developing a professional portfolio, students will be engaged in reflective practice that integrates content learned across the curriculum, direct application relative to patient interactions, clinical experiences, APTA core values, and professional growth since commencing their DPT education. Students will develop a study plan and take a comprehensive exam simulating the National Physical Therapy Licensure Examination.
2 Year Outcome Averages
Includes the class admitted in 2022
Graduation Rate |
95.9% |
One-Year Employment Rate |
N/A (Available Fall 2025) |
First-Time NPTE Pass Rate |
69% |
Ultimate NPTE Pass Rate |
89% |
- The graduation rate includes students who graduate on time, plus those who graduate within 150% of the normal program time, and dividing that by the total number of students in the original cohort, excluding those who left due to death, disability, military service, or health/family/personal issues.
- The One-Year Employment Rate will not be available until after August 2025, when the graduating class of 2024 (admitted in 2022) will be one-year post-graduation.
- First Time Pass Rates and Ultimate Pass Rates are not final as additional graduates take the NPTE. Data will be updated as it becomes available.
The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program in Honolulu, HI at Hawaiʻi Pacific University is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: accreditation@apta.org; website: http://www.capteonline.org. If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call (808) 356-5298 or email dpt@hpu.edu.
The Hawai'i Pacific University Doctor of Physical Therapy Program is a member of the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) which supports academic institutions to strive for excellence in physical therapist education. We encourage faculty, clinical educators, academic administrators and students interested in pursuing teaching to check out acapt.org.