- Capital City: Amsterdam
- Population: 16.8 million
- Main Language: Dutch
- Currency: Euro
- HPU has an Exchange Partner School in Rotterdam
- CIEE offers programs in Amsterdam
- SIT offers a program on International Perspectives on Sexuality and Gender
- Check out this video on why you should study abroad in the Netherlands!
Partner Schools in Netherlands
Radboud University is located in Nijmegen, Netherlands. Radboud University is one of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands with top-rated education and research in modern buildings with state-of-the-art facilities, located on a beautiful, green campus. Radboud University is in the top one percent of universities in the world, and the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to two professors connected to Radboud University. The Radboud campus in Nijmegen is considered to be the greenest and most beautiful in the Netherlands. Also, it is one of the very few study locations in the Netherlands where you can live on campus. Studying in Nijmegen means living in the oldest city of the Netherlands, where you can find Roman ruins and modern architecture side by side.
Academics and Classes
Nijmegen School of Management, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, Faculty of Medical Sciences
Course Search
Local Language Courses
Credits: Full time courseload= 30 ECTS
Program Dates
Fall Term: Unavailable for one semester students as the Radboud fall term ends after HPU's spring term begins. However, students interested in a full year can do fall and spring.
Spring Term: February - July
Academic Calendar
You must submit the HPU Study Abroad Application and the application for your host university or program.
HPU Study Abroad Application Process, Requirements, and Deadlines
Radboud University Nomination Deadline: Fall Term: May 1, Spring Term: November 1
Radboud University Application Deadline: Fall Term: May 23, Spring Term: November 23
This is an exchange partner school. Students will pay their regular tuition directly to HPU using and financial aid, scholarships. Housing, travel, and other costs are arranged separately.