Kathlin Ai Chang, SIT Jordan: Counseling & Humanitarian Action Internship Summer 2024

The experience is unparalleled by any job I have done in the past. It was beautiful,
heart-wrenching, and exhausting, but worth every fiber of my being. The opportunity to connect
with people, make a difference, and push my limits filled me with a sense of purpose and
fulfillment that I had never experienced before. It was challenging, but the personal and
professional growth I gained from it was immeasurable. I will always cherish the memories and
the lessons learned from this experience. As Ibn Battuta writes “traveling - it gives you home in
thousand strange places, then leaves you a stranger in your own land.”

Andres Manzano Zambrano, Ecuador Fall 2023

Andres studied abroad at USFQ Galapagos in Ecuador. Check out the highlights of his exchange in this vidoe!

Saadiya Patrick, Konkuk University South Korea 2023

Saadiya studied abroad in Seoul, South Korea at Konkuk University for the 2023 Spring and Fall Semester. Check out some of the videos she made during her time abroad. Also feel free to check out her Youtube channel where she posts about her time in Korea and her life as an HPU student.


Sally Chew, SEA Semester Fall 2019

Sally studied abroad with SEA Semester for Fall 2019. Watch this video to learn more about her experience as she traveled in the South Pacific Ocean!

Kalen Halvorsen, Australia Fall 2019

Check out this amazing video full of fun experiences and stunning views while Kalen studied abroad at Australia's Gold Coast in Fall 2019!

Jade Burr, England Spring 2019

Jade spent a semester at the University of Hertfordshire in England. This awesome video shows some highlights of her time abroad. 

La'akea Dedrick, Prague Summer 2019

La'akea spent the summer in Prague, Czech Republic, and this awesome video shows her daily life as a student abroad!

Tatiana Brittian, Japan Spring 2019

Tatiana was one of the 23 HPU students chosen to go on an all expenses paid trip to Japan over spring break as part of a cultural exchange program. Her video explains about the program and some highlights of the trip.

Mackenzie Otto, Italy Spring 2018

Check out this video full of nice pictures and delicious food from Mackenzie's spring in Italy including her travel to other parts of Europe!

Kailey Wann, Spain Summer 2018

Check out this video from Kailey's summer in Barcelona including her travel to Italy, Mallorca, and Switzerland!

Geraldine Ilan, Japan Spring 2018

Check out more awesome photos and videos on Instagram #DendensJapanAdventures

Keili McEvilly, Thailand Spring 2018

Check out more of Keili's playlist of videos from Thailand here.

Rhema Kishida, Faculty-Led Cambodia Trip Winter 2018 Rhema Kishida, Cambodia Winter 2018

Check out Rhema's amazing video from the Faculty-Led trip to Cambodia!

Veronica McCauley, Australia Fall 2017

Veronica studied at Griffith University in Australia. Check out this awesome video tour of the campus she made!

Aruya Davis, Madagascar Summer 2017

Aruya spent the summer learning and exploring Madagascar through one of our partner programs!

Kristin Niizawa, Semester at Sea Spring 2017

Check out more of Kristin's videos from her semester at sea here.

Michelle Manganello, Spain Spring 2017

Michelle traveled to 14 countries while studying abroad in Spain! Check out her video to see the countries she visited! 

Brittney Largent, Spain Spring 2017

Brittney was studying in Spain, but traveled all around Europe during her semester! You can check out more of her adventures here!