BSN Health Requirements 101

As part of the nursing curriculum, HPU partners with healthcare agencies in the community so students gain hands-on experience in clinical settings. This provides students with the opportunity to learn vital nursing skills and apply theory in a practical way.

In order to participate at clinical sites, you must clear specific health and documentation requirements to be allowed on premises and interact with patients and clients. You must also have proof of completed COVID-19 Vaccination. Health requirement standards are set according to CDC regulations, and guidelines from the state of Hawai'i. Specific requirements are determined by each facility, and some facilities may require more testing or paperwork. Requirements are also subject to change.

If you do not clear your health and clinical documentation requirements (below), facilities will not allow you onsite. You will be dropped from your clinical course(s) and the associated theory course(s), and you will not be allowed to reregister for the semester. Clinical courses are a mandatory part of the nursing program, so you must comply with health and clinical documentation requirements in order to meet the BSN degree requirements.

Clearance Submissions and Deadline

In order to maintain, track, and submit your health records, you must create a profile with Castle Branch. Your profile will serve as your individualized document management system during your time as a nursing student. Through your account, you will be able to upload and update your health and clinical documentation requirements, maintain your records in one secure location, track upcoming due dates, and view any outstanding requirements.


To be cleared to attend a clinical facility, you must:

  • Upload your health requirements to Castle Branch
  • Make sure each record receives a Cleared” status by the submission deadline
  • If a record is "Rejected" or "Overdue", work with Castle Branch to make the appropriate correction.  They can be reached at (888) 723-4263 x7196.


If your profile is complete and all records are approved (Cleared) in Castle Branch, your information will:

  • Be reviewed by nursing department administrators, who will use it to prepare additional paperwork required by each facility
  • Be passed on to the facility once all documents have been cleared and approved (both in Castle Branch, and by the nursing department)


If your profile has missing documents (Rejected or Overdue items) by the submission deadline:

  • Your profile will be considered incomplete
  • It will not be reviewed by nursing department administrators
  • You will not be eligible to participate in the clinical course for the semester
  • You will be dropped from your clinical course(s) and the associated theory course(s), and you will not be allowed to reregister for the semester.



  • It is YOUR responsibility to manage your health records profile in Castle Branch and provide updates as needed
  • Check your account regularly and well-before the deadline each Do not wait for an alert from Castle Branch to check your profile.
  • You are liable for maintaining current and accurate health records throughout your enrollment in the nursing program
  • Specific requirements are determined per individual facility and are subject to change; some facilities may require additional testing and/or paperwork
  • You must meet all deadlines so the nursing department has enough time to get you cleared with the appropriate site
  • Without proper documentation, you will not be eligible to participate in clinical courses and you will be administratively deregistered from your course(s)

What is Castle Branch?

Castle Branch is a web-based company that serves as a central clearing house for your health and clinical documentation requirements.


How is Castle Branch used in the nursing program?

  • HPU's nursing department reviews your records and prepares paperwork for each clinical partner by viewing your records in Castle Branch. Once your records are approved by BOTH Castle Branch and the nursing department, your health record information is passed on to the appropriate facility for clearance.


When should I create my account?

Once you have been officially accepted to HPU's nursing program and have submitted your acknowledgment form to the department you can create your Castle Branch profile.


You will purchase two items from Castle Branch:

  • A Medical Document Manager 

  • A Background Check 

Once you create your account, you can:

  • Upload, store, and submit all your required documents

  • Receive notices from Castle Branch about upcoming due dates, deadlines, and renewals

  • See if a record is rejected, why it was not accepted, and what you need to do to gain approval


How do I sign up?

When ordering your background check and medical document manager, you will need to select an HPU package so the department can access your records.


Place your order:

  • Use the dropdown menu to choose your Castle Branch package
  • If you have been living in the US in the last 7 years, please choose the regular package
  • If you have lived outside of the US in the last 7 years, please choose the international package.


I still need help!

Still need help? Contact Castle Branch directly with questions and concerns about your account.

  • Visit Castle Branch online to submit a request

  • Check out Castle Branch's list of Student FAQs

  • Call the Castle Branch Student Line at 888-723-4263 x 7196

You must have clearance for the following records in order to participate in clinical courses.

Start your profile early to make sure you get cleared on time!


All records must remain current for the duration of the term

  • COVID-19 Vaccination
    • Upload a copy of your complete COVID-19 Vaccination
    • You must have all doses complete
    • 2 doses of Pfizer or Moderna, plus booster
    • 1 dose of Johnson & Johnson, plus booster(s) if available

  • MMR & Varicella
    • MMR stands for Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, and Rubella; Varicella is commonly known as the Chicken Pox
    • Proof of a positive titer is required
    • If you have a negative or equivocal titer, you must receive the appropriate immunization
    • Submit each record to Castle Branch as you progress through the immunizations
    • Re-draw the titer one month after your final immunization and submit the positive result
    • If negative or equivocal, submit the result, along with a note from your doctor stating you are a non-responder
    • Submit all tests and records from your healthcare provider; no special form is needed


  • Hepatitis B
    • Proof of a positive titer is required
    • If you have never taken a 3-series Hepatitis B immunization, you must begin the series of 3 shots
    • Submit each record to Castle Branch as you progress through the immunizations
    • Draw your titer; if positive, submit your record
    • If negative, you must retake the series of 3 shots within a 6-month period
    • Re-draw the titer one month after your final immunization and submit the positive result
    • If the titer is again negative, submit the result, along with a note from your doctor stating you received 2 series (a total of 6 shots) and you are a non-responder
    • Submit all tests and records from your healthcare provider; no special form is needed

  • TDAP
    • TDAP stands for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis
    • Immunization within the past 10 years is required
    • The TDAP must remain current throughout your enrollment in the nursing program
    • If your TDAP has an expiration that falls during a semester, you must renew prior to the start of the term
    • Submit all tests and records from your healthcare provider; no special form is needed
    • This is a one-time submission unless your expiration date occurs during your time in the nursing program


  • Health Insurance
    • Proof of current health insurance is required; submit a copy of the front and back of your card that includes your name and any other personal information
    • If you are covered under another person's policy, you must submit a copy of that card, along with a letter from the insurance company stating you are covered under the policy
    • If you are purchasing health insurance through HPU, you will need to submit an "Intent to Purchase" form; after your purchase is complete, you must then turn in a copy of the receipt and copy of your insurance card
    • If you are active military, you must schedule an appointment with a nursing department administrator to complete a Health Insurance Verification Form in person; you must bring your military ID with you for this appointment
    • If you are a military dependent, you must submit a copy of your military ID and Tri-Care card (or a letter from DEERS)
    • If your health insurance changes, contact Castle Branch so you can upload your new proof of insurance
    • This is a one-time submission unless your health insurance changes during your time in the program


  • Physical Exam
    • Complete HPU's Physical Exam Form 
    • The form must be stamped and cleared by your healthcare provider


You must have clearance for the following records in order to participate in clinical courses.

Start your profile early to make sure you get cleared on time!


All records must remain current for the duration of the term


  • TB Skin Test: Negative Result
    • A negative, 2-step PPD test is required upon entry into the nursing program
    • The 2-step must be current, and must remain current for the duration of the term
    • Thereafter, a 1-step renewal is required each year
    • The 1-step must be placed annually, no more than 365 days from your last test
    • If you fall outside of the 365 day renewal period, you must have another 2-step test placed
    • Submit all tests and records from your healthcare provider; no special form is needed
    • This must be renewed annually, but you may need to complete this twice a year depending on your expiration dates


  • TB Skin Test: Positive Result
    • If you have ever tested positive for TB, you must submit the following instead of the above:
      • A record of the date of your positive result, along with the amount listed in mm (one-time submission)
      • A clear chest x-ray from the year you started Level 1 of the nursing program (one-time submission)
      • A clear TB Monitoring Form, submitted annually
    • You may only submit the above if you have tested positive for TB!
    • You must submit a TB Monitoring Form annually; if documented correctly, your original, positive TB record and chest x-ray are a one-time submissions


  • AHA BLS Card
    • An American Heart Association (AHA) BLS Healthcare Provider card is required
    • Castle Branch will not accept any other CPR certification, per our clinical partner requirements
    • BLS cards remain current for 2 years, but must remain current for the duration of the semester
    • If your card has an expiration that falls during a semester, you must renew prior to the start of the term
    • Submit a copy of the front and back of your card
    • You will need to submit more than once, depending on your expiration date


  • Flu Vaccination
    • All students are required to submit an Influenza Vaccine Form, and proof of vaccination from the current flu season
    • The flu vaccine is not available until late August or early September:
    • To meet the Fall semester deadline, indicate your intention to get the vaccine by checking "Will be Receiving"
    • Once the vaccine for the new season is available, get your shot and add your record to Castle Branch
    • If you have documented, medical contraindications and cannot receive this vaccine, complete the form as directed and have it signed by your healthcare provider
    • Without the vaccine, you will be required to wear a mask at all times while onsite at the clinical facility
    • You will need to submit this form for twice (once for Fall, once for Spring) and renew annually


  • HIPAA & BBP Certification
    • Submit proof that you have watched and completed the HIPAA & BBP training modules and post-tests
    • Follow these instructions to complete both modules (note: if you are unable to access the HPU network on your PC, you may need to log-in from an HPU computer to complete the training)
    • Be sure to submit both pages at once to get cleared
    • You will need to renew the training and submit this form annually


  • Confidentiality Statement
    • Complete and sign the Confidentiality Statement
    • You may have anyone sign as your witness, as long as they are present at the time you sign
    • You will need to submit this form annually



  • Background Check Renewal
    • Your background check must be issued within 12 months of the semester's start date to be considered current
    • To renew your background check, click here or visit the Castle Branch order page and enter package code HB83re
    • You will need to renew your background check annually

When are my health requirements due?

You must have all your health requirements submitted to - and "Cleared" by - Castle Branch on time in order to participate in clinical courses.


Deadlines for each semester:

  • FALL - All records must be cleared in Castle Branch by July 1

  • SPRING -  All records must be cleared in Castle Branch by November 1


All health records must receive a "Cleared" status in Castle Branch prior to each deadline. HPU cannot provide extensions as dates are set according to clinical facility regulations and processing time.

REMEMBER: If you do not clear your health and clinical documentation requirements, facilities will not allow you You will be dropped from your clinical course(s) and the associated theory course(s), and you will not be allowed to reregister for the semester.