Family FAQ's

Family FAQ's

College life is unique for each student and family, but those involved in preparing students to head off to college frequently have similar questions and concerns. Below are a number of common questions and responses. You may also want to visit our Orientation FAQs page for information about the orientation program.


If a student is missing for more than 24 hours and the University has reason to believe, after an investigation conducted by the Director of Security and Safety, that a student is missing, the Director will notify the Honolulu Police Department. Also, the Dean of Students will contact the student’s emergency contact no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing.

Per the HPU policy, a student may be considered to be a "missing student" if the students' absence is contrary to his/her usual pattern of behavior and unusual circumstances may have caused the absence. Such circumstances could include a reasonable/reliable report or suspicion that the missing student may be endangered.

Any and all reports of missing students shall be directed to the Director of Security and Safety at 808-236-3597. We encourage all parents and guardians to talk to their student to identify an emergency contact person with updated contact information.

First, we recommend speaking with your student directly regarding your concerns. However, if your student may benefit from seeing a counselor, inform your student about the free and confidential counseling services available at HPU through Counseling and Behavioral Health Services. Students who seek those services may get assistance with anxiety, depression, adjustment issues, relationships, grief, alcohol and substance abuse, family issues, stress management, and more. If you would like to express your concerns directly to a counselor, you may do so. A counselor on staff will follow up as necessary.

In the case of students who unexpectedly cannot resume classes due to injury or illness, the Dean of Students may assist with notifying professors and other appropriate people. Appropriate documentation (e.g., a doctor’s note, letter from a primary-care provider) is required to verify your son or daughter’s injury or illness. If your student plans on being absent for a significant time, a medial withdrawal or cancellation of registration may be necessary. We can assist with this process as well.

In cases when the student’s health and safety are of concern while in class or on-campus, staff will notify the emergency contact designee. This call may take place after the student is in a medical treatment facility, therefore the call to the parent or guardian may not happen at the instance of the injury. Hospitals often make a call as well. Every student must provide HPU with the name and contact information of at least one individual who could be contacted in the event of an individual emergency. Please remind your student to keep his/her primary cell phone and emergency contact information current.

HPU has a variety of tools to communicate with students, faculty, staff and the public in the event of emergencies, which range from natural disasters and fires to acts of violence that require building evacuations and campus closures. Through the Hawai‘i Pacific University comprehensive emergency communications system, students will receive notifications via Informacast Phone Announcements, the HPU website, Pipeline, Email, Rave Alert, Fire Alarm Systems, Telephone Tree and/or Local News Media.

The Dean of Students may assist in contacting your student’s professors and other appropriate people and offices regarding your student’s absence. We will require documentation (e.g., obituary, funeral announcement) to verify the reason for your son or daughter’s absence. Please contact Deonne Yeager at 808.236.7999.


Regardless of age, your student is now responsible for their educational records. In compliance with federal law, the University may release your student’s Directory Information (ex. student name, email, major, etc.) unless the student requests nondisclosure, or provided as an exception to the law under FERPA. “Nondirectory” information requires a student’s written consent prior to its release to any source outside the college (including parents). When you have questions, please ask us. We want to help, but staff may need to answer question in generalities related to University policies and procedures, rather than specifics about your student. Under normal circumstances, the University cannot discuss confidential matters without permission. For more information, please visit the FERPA page.

Each student must be able to study, learn, and enjoy his or her educational career at Hawaii‘i Pacific University. If these freedoms are to be experienced by all students, they must be respected by all. Therefore, students are expected to act in ways that demonstrate respect for order, decency, personal honor, and the rights of others. Implicit in the Code of Student Conduct is the understanding that students are responsible for making their own decisions and accepting the consequences of those decisions. Students are expected to respect the rights and privileges of others. The Code of Student Conduct applies on all University premises and at all University activities, whether on or off campus. The University reserves the right to apply the Code to any student’s behavior even when it occurs off campus and/or is unconnected to a University activity if, in the judgment of the University, the alleged misconduct adversely impacts the University community or its objectives.


Accessibility Services will be able to help! Accommodations can be made for housing, academics, tutoring, testing, and other topics. Please contact their office as soon as possible. We want to assist your student, but cannot do so if a disability need is not properly registered with the University.

There are a variety of ways a student can get course assistance at HPU. Recommend to your student to get help from his/her professor after class or during office hours. Also, students can utilize the services at the Center for Academic Success. Free one-on-one tutoring sessions to aid students in the mastery of basic skills, development of learning skills, and refinement of analytical skills are available on a variety of subjects, including math, English, accounting, computers, writing, science, marketing, management, finance, economics, and European and Asian languages.

HPU offers free online tutoring services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Some of the subjects available are in the fields of accounting, biology, chemistry, economics, finance, math, writing, and certain nursing courses. Students can access online tutoring by logging in to their MyHPU Portal account, on the left hand menu click on the Student Services and select More..., Follow the instructions in the “Online Tutoring Services” channel, and clicking on the link.


Orientation is the new student transition experience for new students. From academic information sessions, to informal lunches with Orientation Leaders and other students, the program is educational and fun. In addition, students will meet new friends, staff and faculty members. This is an exciting and eventful time, so get ready by visiting the website!

If your student is a new, full-time, undergraduate student (freshman, transfer student, or a visiting international student), they are required to attend an orientation program at the beginning of their first semester. Fall Orientation is held in August and Spring Orientation is available in January.

Studies have shown that one of the best ways to ensure college success is to get involved and be connected with the University community. HPU's orientation programs are the best place to learn more about the many curricular and co-curricular opportunities, programs, and services that are available to students at HPU.

That's quite a loaded question! You have a few options to help you as you prepare. First, take a look at the New Student Checklist for details on all the little pieces that can be easy to forget when preparing for the move to college. Next, visit the Orientation and Student Activities websites for details on engagement opportunities and Orientation. Last, visit the Traveling to HPU page for information on getting to the HPU campus!