Student Success
Hawai‘i Pacific University is committed to excellence in student achievement. By employing innovative teaching and learning strategies and experiential approaches rooted in our tropical island community, we ensure that our students cultivate the knowledge, skills, and values that are expected of all educated citizens. We provide them with a liberal arts foundation set in the rich cultural context of Hawai‘i by offering diverse courses outside the major that inspire lifelong learning and introduce students to ideas, perspectives, and experiences relevant to their lives. We also prepare them for the unique challenges and opportunities of the 21st century by offering courses within the major that facilitate the learning and mastery of the concepts, theories, and methods of their chosen disciplines. Finally, we encourage engagement in the HPU and local community by providing a rich array of co-curricular activities that shine a spotlight on our unique cultural traditions, exquisite natural surroundings, and wondrous spirit of aloha.
student engagement
Our enriching and life changing co-curricular experiences.
Academic Assessment and Program Review
Our academic program review and assessment efforts to promote student learning and institutional effectiveness.
retention and graduation data
Our record of continuing and graduating students.
Institutional learning outcomes
Our broad expectations for what our HPU Graduates know and are able to do.
program learning outcomes
Our specific expectations for what our HPU Graduates know and are able to do upon completion of their academic degree program.
career outcomes
Resources for the college-to-career transition
capstone symposium
The Capstone Symposium is an annual event at HPU to promote academic excellence, learning with real-world purposes, interdisciplinary exchanges, and HPU-community connections.