
Hawai'i Pacific University is proud to offer exchange programs with many partner institutions world wide. This page provides necessary information for our partner universities' staff and student body about what they can expect in general from HPU and how to apply to participate on an exchange program.

Incoming Exchange Students Vs. Visiting (Fee Paying Students)

Exchange Students are students who have applied to study abroad through one of the Exchange Partner Universities listed below and have been formally nominated by their home university to study at HPU. All other students who would like to spend one or two semesters at HPU are considered visiting students, and they can follow the steps for the Visiting Student Program.

Exchange Information


Bond University

Deakin University

Griffith University

James Cook University





Management Center Innsbruck


Vesalius College






Universidad San Francisco de Quito


Regent's University London 

University of Westminster



Berlin School of Economics and Law


University of Haifa


Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore



Aoyama University

Hakodate University

Hokuriku University

Kindai University

Momoyama Gakuin University

Musashi University

Nagoya University of Foreign Studies

Obirin University

Toyo University


Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

South Africa

University of Capetown

South Korea

Konkuk University

Sogang University

Soonchunhyang University



Universidad Pontificia Comillas

University of Alicante



Linnaeus University



Mahidol University International College


Koc University


Please note: We may not be currently accepting exchange students from all schools listed above depending on the exchange balance. Please check with your home university coordinator to see if you are eligible to attend Hawaii Pacific University as an exchange student. Students who are not eligible to come as exchange students can still come to HPU through the Visiting Student Program.

Application Requirements
Students must:
- Be formally nominated by their home university
- Have at least 2.75 GPA on a 4.0 scale
- M
eet HPU English Requirements for regular admissions


Once accepted at your home university and formally nominated to study as an incoming student to HPU, you will be sent a link to the Incoming Exchange Student Application. To complete your application, you will need the following documents:

Application Information
There are three main parts to the Incoming Exchange Application:
PART One: Personal and Academic Information
PART TWO: Required Documentation- Please see the checklist below
PART THREE: Application for Admission

Required Documentation CHECKLIST
1. Color Copy of Passport
2. Official Transcript with Coordinator's Stamp and Signature
3. Original English Test Score with Coordinator's Stamp and Signature 
4. Health Clearance Form and Documentation 
5. Statement of Financial Support and a Bank Statement with the Amount in US Dollars 
6. Course Request Form- The form with instructions will be sent to you once your HPU application has been accepted
7. Proof of International Health Insurance- Please see Health Requirements below for more information

HPU requires proof of English proficiency. We accept scores listed on HPU's English Entry Levels page. Test scores may not be more than two years old by the intended entry term. 

For native speakers of English from the following countries, who list English as their language on their application, proof of English proficiency is not required, but may be requested. 

Antigua, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Canada (not Quebec), Dominica, England, Fiji, Grand Cayman Islands, Grenada, Guyana, Irish Republic, Jamaica, New Zealand, Singapore, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & Grenadines, Trinidad & Tabago, United Kingdom, United States of America and its territories.

Incoming Exchange students can study at HPU for either one semester or one year.

  • One Semester:

    • Fall (August to December)

    • Spring (January to May)

  • One Year (August to May)

Application and Nomination Deadlines:


Nomination Deadline

Application Opens

Application Deadline

Full Year
(August to May)

April 15

March 1

May 1

Fall Term
(August to December)

April 15

March 1

May 1

Spring Term
(January to May)

September 15

August 1

October 1

Your Exchange Coordinator will send you the application once you have been nominated


Exchange Resources

HPU tuition is waived for those students in exchange from one of the academic institutions we have established an exchange agreement with. Non-tuition related fees for students will include:

  • Transportation Fee: Includes the Upass Bus pass that will allow you to take the bus anywhere on the island all semester (Without the Upass each ride on the bus is $3.00, cash only)

  • Student Activity Fee: You can take advantage of the assortment of events and activities organized by HPU throughout the semester

  • Orientation Fee: During Orientation you will meet other new students and learn all about HPU and living in Hawaii

  • Health Services Fee: This allows students unlimited access to on-campus health services for no additional cost for a routine visit. Other services may have an additional cost.
  • Coursera's Career Academy Fee: You have access to Career Academy Certificates to acquire in-demand skills and job-ready credentials.
  • Books: Students will automatically be enrolled in the Shark Bundle program and assessed the fee. The Shark Bundle program is a discounted package of required course materials (including textbooks) for rent. 

Participants are also responsible for the costs of transportation, visa application, room and board, health insurance and personal expenses.

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: International students are required to take a minimum number of in person (not online) classes per semester:

  • Undergraduate (Bachelors) 12 credits
  • Graduate (Masters) 9 credits


  • 4000 or 7000 level courses - these are capstone courses for HPU students only
  • Honors Classes (HON)
  • 8 week classes (Section 8A or 8B) - you can avoid seeing these classes by selecting "Full Term" in the course search
  • Classes outside of their level - undergraduate (Bachelors) may only take undergraduate courses (1000, 2000, and 3000 level)

Students can take any classes except for what is listed above as long as they have taken classes that match the prerequisites for each course they would like to take. This will be determined by an HPU academic advisor according to the transcripts submitted by the student.

COURSE SEARCH: The exact course schedule for Fall and Spring will be released at the end of March.

SYLLABUS SEARCHFor an idea of what classes are generally offered before the course schedule is published, you can access the syllabus search to see what classes have been offered in the past. Here you can get syllabi for previous classes and see what term (fall or spring) a class is generally offered. Please contact your exchange coordinator for a link to the syllabus search.


Incoming Exchange Students are able to use the same resources for housing as all HPU students.

On-Campus Housing: HPU offers housing options for exchange students at the Executive CentreThe Executive Centre is located in downtown Honolulu (1088 Bishop Street), blocks from the HPU downtown campus, where students may walk to campus and access HPU facilities and various retail and dining options in the area. There will be 57 furnished apartments (studio double occupancy, standard double occupancy, and deluxe double occupancy) designated as student residences. While there is a full kitchen, students may opt-in to a Pier Nine meal plan. You can apply for housing through your HPU student portal. You will receive your my.hpu.edu portal login information once your application has been processed.

Off-Campus Housing: There are various options for off-campus living. Visit our off-campus housing page for more information.

*Please note that exchange students do not need to pay the $200 enrollment deposits, and it is not necessary for them to submit an enrollment deposit in order to be eligible for on-campus housing. However, exchange students will need to submit the $400 housing deposit.


All international students at HPU are required to have health insurance coverage that meets the Minimum Plan Coverage Requirements mandated by U.S. Department of State. There are several options for exchange students to obtain this coverage:

  1. Option 1: Purchasing International Student Insurance (ISO): Exchange students can purchase health insurance from International Student Insurance (ISO) for the duration of their studies at HPU. Any of the ISO plans will meet the requirements (including the basic plan). Students who choose to purchase an ISO plan must submit:
    1. A copy of the ISO insurance policy confirmation page including your name, summary of benefits, and dates of coverage
  2. Option 2: Purchase your own health insurance: All J-1 students are required to maintain health insurance coverage that meets the minimum requirements listed by the U.S. Department of State. Students who choose to purchase their own insurance must submit:
    1. Signed Health Insurance Provider Certificate Form completed by your insurance provider
    2. A copy of the insurance policy in English including your name and dates of coverage
  3. Option 3: Insurance Provided by Home University: If your university provides health insurance that meets the requirements, you must submit:
    1. Signed Health Insurance Provider Certificate Form completed by your insurance provider
    2. A copy of the insurance policy in English including your name and dates of coverage


Per State of Hawaii Regulations, students studying in Hawaii are required to demonstrate certain medical clearances prior to appearing on-campus. For more information and details on the requirements please visit the State of Hawaii Health Clearance Requirements webpage.

  • Proof of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Immunization - TB testing for 2 semester students only, must be completed upon arrival in Hawaii
    • Please submit Form D (Immunization Verification MMR)
  • Proof of immunization for the following: Tetanus-Diphtheria-Acceular Pertussis (TDap), Varicella (VZV), and Meningococcal Conjugate (MCV)
    • Please submit Form E (Immunization Verification TDap, Meningoccal, and Varicella)


Exchange Students will enter the United States on a J-1 visa status. In order to receive their J-1 visa, they will be issued an acceptance letter and a DS-2019 Certificate of Eligibility once they have successfully applied and been accepted to the Exchange Program.

United States visa requirements vary depending upon the country of origin. Please consult with your local U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

Please see the U.S. Department of State's Information on J-1 visas for more detailed information.

Length Of Stay

J-1 Students may enter the United States no more than 30 days before classes begin and may stay no longer than 30 days after the end of the term. Please see the Academic Calendar for the exact dates of the term.