The HPU UniCard serves as the official photo identification for students, faculty, and staff and is required for several activities such as voting in student elections, utilizing the intercampus shuttle service, borrowing materials from the University libraries, entering the ATM Learning Commons, and receiving tutorial services on both campuses. It entitles the bearer to free or reduced-rate entrance to athletic events and other Student Activities-sponsored functions. Additionally, many merchants recognize the HPU UniCard for the purposes of providing discounts on various services and products.
The HPU UniCard contains a color photo, as well as a computer-generated identification number. All students, faculty, and staff members need to be issued a UniCard as it is the official identification card of HPU.
Please email unicard@hpu.edu if you have any questions.
Photo upload option: get your hpu id faster
No more waiting in line to get your photo taken! HPU UniCard photos can now be submitted for approval through the MyHPU portal. Log in to https://my.hpu.edu, then go to Student Services -> More -> Online Photo Upload.
Before submitting a photo, please review the following requirements:
- Should be cropped slightly above head to middle of chest (you will have the opportunity to crop and rotate photos during the upload process)
- Should be taken against a plain, light background
- Must be a color photo
- Must not include sunglasses, hat, mask, or other facial covering
- Must be faced directly towards the camera, with eyes open
- Must meet HPU standards. Your photo cannot be enhanced in any way (for example, no lenses, filters, text, emoji, stickers, etc.) and cannot contain other individuals or pets
For further assistance, please review the following document:
Once your photo is approved, you will receive an approval email from the system. IDs can be obtained at the Student Services Center at Waterfront Plaza, Suite 5A. Please bring a government issued photo ID to pick up your HPU UniCard. For new students residing at Hawaii Loa Campus or Waterfront Lofts, your ID will be distributed to you during orientation. Note: There is no charge for the initial HPU UniCard. There is a $25 charge for the replacement of a lost or stolen ID or for students who wish to have an ID card re-printed with a new photo.
How do I obtain my Unicard?
New students and military campus students may go to the Registrar's Office located at 500 Ala Moana Blvd, Ste 5A (building 5, first floor) to obtain an HPU UniCard.
Attention Military Campus Students Only: If you are unable to come to the downtown campus, please contact the Registrar's Office for assistance.
Students who were issued HPU UniCards beginning Fall 2019 need only to have their cards validated for the next term of enrollment. A student must present his or her HPU UniCard, and HPU staff will verify registration. Continuing students attending classes on the military bases may have their ID cards validated on the base.
New faculty and staff members will have their HPU UniCard photo taken at the Human Resources Office once they have completed the required new hire forms. Their HPU UniCard will be sent to their respective department office for pick-up.
There is no charge for the initial HPU UniCard, but there is a charge of $25.00 for a replacement card. Replacement cards are only issued in the Registrar’s Office on the Downtown campus.