STEP 1: Students planning to enroll under any GI Bill® program must first submit the VA Form 22-1990 (Application for Veterans Educational Benefits). Students may apply online at:
STEP 2: VA-approved students will receive a letter or CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY (COE) from the VA once the student’s application is approved. Student must forward a copy of the COE to the VA Coordinator at
STEP 3: Once you have completed your registration, complete the REQUEST FOR ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATION FORM. The courses you want certified must be listed on the certification request form and must fulfill a requirement in your education objective.
PLEASE NOTE: it is your responsibility to submit and verify receipt of the certification request form every semester or term that you enroll in classes, to continue receiving your VA benefits. Enrollment certification requests will not be processed without a signature.
ADD/DROPS: If you change your schedule, it is your responsibility to notify the HPU VA Benefits Coordinator at or 808-356-5222 to request adjustment of your certification, or submit a new certification request form with the adds and drops clearly indicated. All changes in enrollment must be reported to the VA, and you are responsible for any overpayment or debt incurred.
STEP 4: Section 1010 of Public Law 116-315 requires GI Bill® beneficiaries to verify their enrollment status each month. Please review your certificate of eligibility for directions from the VA. The enrollment verification is separate from the HPU "Request for Enrollment Certification" form which must be submitted every semester. For more information please call the VA education Call Center at 888-442-4551.
CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT: If you are also taking classes at another school, or if you are a guest student at HPU while pursuing a degree elsewhere, you must submit a Parent-School Letter with your certification request.
USING TUITION ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR VA BENEFITS (TA-TOP UP): Students who were previously using Chapter 30 with TA-Top Up no longer send their tuition assistance directly to the VA in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Students who are using VA Chapter 30 or Chapter 33 and tuition assistance, please forward a copy of your military tuition assistance form and your “Request for Veteran Enrollment Certification” form to the HPU Military/Veterans Center for certification. The HPU School Certifying Official will submit the enrollment to the VA.
We thank you in advance for complying with the new policy and procedures for requesting enrollment certification each term. This process will help us better service our HPU veterans, servicemembers and dependents in a more timely and efficient manner. We thank you for your cooperation!
If you have any questions and/or concerns you may contact HPU's VA Coordinator directly at or at (808) 356-5222.
‘‘GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government web site at"