Hawai'i Pacific University and the College of Professional Studies (CPS) support the military community by offering top tier programs while providing financial and student assistance. Financial awards will be available to service members as well as military family members, military retirees, Department of Defense (DoD) civilians, and civilian contractors working on the military bases for MCP-approved undergraduate and graduate programs.  Please see the information below for frequently asked questions specific to your military affiliation.  Please contact your Academic Advisor or Base Coordinator for additional questions or clarification.


undergraduate programs

Active Duty Service Members, Reservists, and Guard will be eligible for $250/credit hour after the application of the HPU Service Member Tuition Waiver (eligibility applies, see the tab below for details).

Eligible Participants

Cost Per Credit – Undergraduate Tuition

Active Duty Service Member


Active Reserve Member

Active National Guard Member


Military dependents, military retirees, DoD civilians and civilian contractors working on the military bases can apply for the HPU Military Grant that will bring their tuition to $290/credit hour.

Eligible Participants

Cost Per Credit – Undergraduate Tuition

Dependent – Spouse



Dependent – Children

Military Retirees

DoD Civilians

Civilian contractors working on the military bases


graduate programs

Active Duty Service Members, Reservists, and Guard are eligible for service member pricing from $475/credit on select graduate programs offered by MCP. (eligibility applies, see the tab below for details).

Eligible Participants

Cost Per Credit – Graduate Tuition

Active Duty Service Member

 $475 (MPA, MSCJ)

 $750 (MBA)

Active Reserve Member

Active National Guard Member


Military dependents, military retirees, DoD civilians and civilian contractors working on the military bases are eligible for special pricing from $650/credit on select graduate programs offered by MCP. (eligibility applies, military grant application required, see the tab below for details).

Eligible Participants

Cost Per Credit - Graduate Tuition

Dependent – Spouse

 $650 (MPA, MSCJ)


Dependent – Children

Military Retirees

DoD Civilians

Civilian contractors working on the military bases

 *Special MAODL tuition rates effective beginning Fall 2023. See university tuition schedule for current rates.



Q: Who is eligible for the HPU Service Member Tuition Waiver?

A: All service members in an approved MCP undergraduate and graduate programs are eligible for the HPU Service Member Tuition Waiver, where service members are defined as Active Duty, Reservist (excluding inactive reservist), and National Guard members.

Q: What is the HPU Service Member Tuition Waiver?

A: The HPU Service Member Tuition Waiver provides service members with a discount towards undergraduate and graduate tuition. These awards can be applied for all approved undergraduate and graduate courses taken on the military bases and online. Students pursuing a business major can also have this waiver apply for undergraduate in-seat business courses in our downtown Honolulu campus.

Q: Do I need to apply for the HPU Service Member Tuition Waiver, and if so, how do I apply?

A: If you are currently designated as an Active Duty, Reservist, or National Guard service member with HPU, you will not need to apply for the award unless your military identification expires or your military status changes, however you will need to have your military identification verified by HPU staff. Please contact your closest base office to have this completed.

Q: Will I receive notification IF I’ve been awarded the HPU Service Member Tuition Waiver?

A: If you are currently designated as an Active Duty, Reservist, or National Guard service member, after you have verified your military identification with HPU staff, the tuition waiver will be applied to your account. Notification will not be provided.

Q: What will a service member see on his or her bill?

A: Service members, taking a 1-credit undergraduate course as an example, will see the following charges based on their major degree:

Tuition CPS:

$1400.00 (Fall Tuition)

Servicemember Waiver:

-1150.00 (Fall Tuition)

Amount Due:

$250.00 (Fall Tuition)

A student taking a 3-credit UNDERGRADUATE course would be charged $750 for the class.


Q: What happens if my bill does not show the waiver?

A: Verify with your Academic Advisor or Base Coordinator that you are designated as a current service member with HPU. Once your designation is confirmed, your Academic Advisor or Base Coordinator will put in a formal request for the award to be applied to your student account.

Q: How do I verify my status as a service member?

A: If your service member designation is not accurately reflected on your student account, please be sure to inform your Base Coordinator and verify your military identification with him or her.



Q: Who is eligible for the grant?

A: Military Dependents, military retirees, DoD Civilians and Civilian contractors working on the military bases (with military/government ID), who do not receive any other significant funding are eligible for the HPU Military Grant for their MCP-approved undergraduate or graduate program (please see bottom for more details). To remain eligible, undergraduate students must maintain a cumulative HPU GPA of 2.5 and graduate students must maintain a cumulative HPU GPA of 3.0.

Q: Do I need to apply for the award/grant or will I just receive it if I qualify?

A: Yes, you need to contact a base office to verify your identification and to fill out the HPU military Grant Application. You should submit documents at least two weeks prior to each fall semester (https://www.hpu.edu/registrar/academic-calendar.html). 

Q: Where do I apply?

A: Please visit an HPU base office to have your identification verified and to fill out the Military Award Application.

Q: Will I receive notification IF I’ve been awarded the award or grant?

A: Yes, you will receive a notification via your HPU email account.

Q: WHAT WILL recipients of the hpu military grant SEE ON THEIR BILL?

A: Military dependents and retirees taking a 1-credit course as an example, will see the following charges based on their major degree:


Tuition CPS:

$1400.00 (Fall Tuition)

CPS Military Award:

-1110.00 (Fall Tuition)

Amount Due:

$290.00 (Fall Tuition)