English Entry Level Requirements
Transcripts: Comparable degree requirements in different countries
Hawai'i Pacific University recognizes that education systems are different across the world. To help you determine if your degree is comparable to a U.S. bachelor's degree and to understand the documents that need to be submitted for admission, please review the requirements for the country from which your credential was earned in addition to all general graduate admissions requirements.
The A to Z list below provides links to information on the university level education credentials required for admission to Hawaiʻi Pacific University Graduate programs. The tables are arranged by country. Select the country where you are completing your university level education to verify the title of the credential required for admission.
Country |
Credentials Accepted |
Additional Details |
Afghanistan |
Official, attested Leicanc or Bachelor's Degree (4 years) in original language AND academic transcripts issued in English |
Albania |
Official, attested Diplome with Titull (4+ year programs) in original language AND academic transcripts issued in English |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Algeria |
Official, attested Diplôme d’Etudes Superieures (DES), Licence, Diplôme de Professeur de lEnseigement Fondamental, or Diplôme dIngénieur in original language AND academic transcripts/bulletins de notes/releve de notes issued in English |
America Somoa |
America Somoa currently offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Andorra |
Official, attested Grau de Licenciatura (4 year programs) in original language AND academic transcripts issued in English |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Angola |
Official, attested Bacharelato (3 year program) PLUS Licenciado (2 year program) AND Historico Escolar (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Antigua and Barbuda and Anguilla |
Antigua, Barbuda, or Anguilla offer no Bachelor equivalent |
While there is no university that offers 4 year Bachelor Degrees on these islands, many students choose to obtain a 4 year Bachelors Degree through the University of the West Indies (distance education). |
Argentina |
Official, attested Bachiller Supieror, Bachelor of Arts, Licenciado, Titulo de.. issued in original language AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) with English translations |
Armenia |
Official, attested Bakalavri Kochum (4 year program) or Diplom (5 year program) AND Diploma Supplement or Vypiska/ prilozhenie k diplomu/ arkhivnaya spravka/ appendix to diploma (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Aruba |
Official, attested Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Australia |
Official, attested Bachelor's Degree (3 years), Bachelor's Degree (Honours), Master's Qualifying Year (after 3-year Bachelor's Degree) and academic transcripts |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Austria |
Official, attested Bakkalaureaus/Bakkalaurea PLUS Magister/Magistra or Diplom - Ingenieur AND Diploma Supplement or academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Azerbaijan |
Official Bakalavr (4 year program) or Diplom of Specialist (5 year program) in original language AND Diploma Supplement or official transcripts with English translations |
Bahamas |
Official, attested Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Bahrain |
Official, attested Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) in original language AND academic transcripts with English translations |
Bailiwick of Guernsey |
Bailiwick of Guernsey offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Bailiwick of Jersey |
Official, attested Bachelor's Degree AND academic transcripts |
*Highlands College (Plymouth University - UK) is the only degree granting institution and offers one 3 year BSC (Hons) in Social Sciences |
Bangladesh |
Official, attested Bachelor's Degree (4 year program), Bachelor's Degree (Pass) (2 year program) PLUS Masters Degree (2 year program) or Bachelor's (Honours) (3 year program) PLUS Masters Degree (1 year program) AND individual Mark Sheet/Result Card |
Barbados |
Official, attested Bachelor's Degree (4 year program AND academic transcripts |
Belarus |
Official, attested Дыплом аб Вышзйшай адукацыі/Diploma of Higher Education (4-5 years) or Дыплом бакалўра/Diplom Bakalaura in the original language AND Vypiska/ prilozhenie k diplomu/ arkhivnaya spravka/ akademichnaya davedka (academic transcripts) or Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Belgium |
Official, attested Licence/Licentiate or Ingenieur/Engineer AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Belize |
Official, attested Bachelor Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Benin |
Official, attested Maitrise or Diplome d'Ingenieur (4-6 year programs) AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Bermuda |
Bermuda offers no Bachelor equivalent |
*While there is no university that offers 4 year Bachelor Degrees on these islands, many students choose to obtain a 4 year Bachelors Degree through the University of the West Indies (distance education). |
Bhutan |
Official,attested Bachelor Degree (4+ year program) AND mark sheets (academic transcripts) with English Translations |
Bolivia |
Official Licenciado (4-6 year program) PLUS Diploma de Grado Academico AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Official,attested Strucni Naziv Diplomirani (Diploma with Professional Title) (4-6 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Botswana |
Official, attested Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Brazil |
Official, attested Grau de Bacherel, Titulo de Licenciado, or Titulo Profissional AND Historico Escolar (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
British Virgin Islands |
Official, attested Bachelor Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
*It appears that the University of the Virgin Islands is the only degree granting institution |
Brunei |
Official Bachelor Degree (4+year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Bulgaria |
Official, attested Bakalavr (4 year program) AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Burkina Faso |
Official, attested Diplome de Maitrise AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Burundi |
Official, attested Diplome de Licence, Diplome d'Ingenieur Industriel or Diplome d'Ingenieur Civil AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Cambodia |
Official, attested Licence or Bachelor's Degree (4 year programs) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Cameroon: Anglophone |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Cameroon: Francophone |
Official,attested Diplome d'Estudes Superieures (DES) or Diplome d'Ingenieur de Conception AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Canada |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts *If your University follows the French-system, please submit English translations. |
Cape Verde |
Official,attested Licenciatura (Licentiate) AND Historico Escolar (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Cayman Islands |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Central African Republic |
Official,attested Diplome d'Ingenieur or Maitrise AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Chad |
Official, attested Licence (3 year) PLUS Maitrise OR Licence Professionelle (4 year program) AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Chile |
Official, attested Licenciatura (4 year program) or Titulo Profesional AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
China |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) with Graduate Certificate AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Transcripts, graduation certificates, and degrees verified by the China Academic Degree and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC) www.cdgdc.edu.cn or China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center (CHESICC) www.chsi.com.cn |
Colombia |
Official, attested Titulo de Licenciature, Titulo de Ingeniero, Titulo Professional, Diploma de... AND certificado de estudios /calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Comoros |
Comoros offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Congo - Brazzaville |
Official, attested Maitrise or Diplome d'Ingenieur AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Congo - Kinshasa |
Official, attested Licence AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Costa Rica |
Official, attested Bachiller Universitario, Licenciado, or Titulo Profesional AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Cote d'Ivoire |
Official, attested Licence d'Enseignement or Maitrise AND Releve de notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Croatia |
Official, attested Diploma i Strucni Naziv (4-5 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Cuba |
Official, attested Titulo de Profesional or Licenciado AND certificado de estudios /calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Curacao |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Cyprus |
Official, attested Ptychio or Lisans Diplomasi AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Czech Republic |
Official,attested Bakalar (4 year program), Diplom o Absolvovani Ucitelskeho Studia Prvni, Inzenyr, or Promovany AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Denmark |
Official, attested Candidatus/a.. (4+ year programs) AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Djibouti |
Dijbouti offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Dominica |
Dominica offers no Bachelor equivalent |
While there is no university that offers 4 year Bachelor Degrees on these islands, many students choose to obtain a 4 year Bachelors Degree through the University of the West Indies (distance education). |
Dominican Republic |
Official, attested Licenciatura en (field) (4-6 year program), Ingeniero, or Arquitecto AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
East Timor |
East Timor offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Ecuador |
Official Licenicado or Titulo Profesional AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) with English translations |
Egypt |
Official, attested Baccalaureos, Licence, or Bachelor's Degree AND academic transcripts |
El Salvador |
Official, attested Licenciado or Titulo de... AND Certificado do Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Equatorial Guinea |
Equatorial Guinea offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Eritrea |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Estonia |
Official, Bakalaureuskraad AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Ethiopia |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Falkland Islands |
The Falkland Islands offer no Bachelor equivalent |
Faroe Islands |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Fiji |
Official Bachelor's Degree (3 year program following Form 7/13th year) AND academic transcripts |
Finland |
Official, attested Arkkitehti / Arkitekt, Diplomi-insinoori / Diplomingenjor, Kandidaattin tutkinto PLUS Maisterin tutkinto AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
France |
Official Licence PLUS Maitrise AND Releve de Notes Annuels (academic transcripts) with English translations |
French Guiana |
Official Licence PLUS Maitrise AND Releve de Notes Annuels (academic transcripts) with English translations |
French Polynesia |
Official Licence PLUS Maitrise AND Releve de Notes Annuels (academic transcripts) with English translations |
Gabon |
Official, attested Diplome de Ingenieur or Maitrise AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) with English translations |
Gambia |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4-6 year program) AND academic transcripts with English transcripts |
Georgia |
Official, attested Bakalavris Kharishki (4 year program) or Specialistis Diplomi (4-5 year program) AND academic transcripts with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Germany |
Official Bakkalaureus (4 year program) or Bachelor (FH) (4 year program) AND Leistungsnachweise (Academic transcripts) with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Ghana |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts with English transcripts |
Gibraltar |
Official Bachelor of: Arts, Science, Nursing, Midwifery, Engineering, Education, Science in Physiotherapy (3-4 year programs) AND academic transcripts |
Greece |
Original, attested Ptychio (4-6 year program) AND academic transcripts with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Greenland |
Official, attested Candidatus/a. (4+ year programs) AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Grenada |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts with English transcripts |
Guadeloupe |
Guadeloupe offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Guam |
Guam offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Guatemala |
Official, attested Titulo de Licenciado en, Titulo Profesional de, or Baccalaureatus AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) with English translations |
Guinea |
Official, attested Licence (Licentiate) PLUS Maitrise, Licence (Licentiate) PLUS Diplome d'Etudes Superieure/DES, or Diplome d'Etudes Universitaires Generales/DUEG PLUS Diplome d'Ingenieur AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) with English translations |
Guinea-Bissau |
Guinea-Bissau offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Guyana |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts with English transcripts |
Haiti |
Official Diplome or Licence (4-5 year programs) AND Releve de notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Honduras |
Official Licenciado or Titulo de (Ingeniero, abofado, etc.) AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Hong Kong |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Hungary |
Official Foiskolai Oklevel (4 year program) or Egyetemi Oklevel AND Diploma Supplement (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Iceland |
Official Baccalaureatus Artium / Educationis / Scientiarum AND Diploma Supplement with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
India |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) or Bachelor's Degree (3 year program) PLUS Post Graduate Diploma AND individual mark sheets |
*3 year degrees accepted from Division I awarding institutions accredited by India’s National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with a grade of “A” or better. |
Indonesia |
Official, attested Sarjana Strata Satu AND academic transcripts with English translations |
Iran |
Official, attested Karshenasi/Lisans (4 year program) AND academic trascripts with English translations |
Iraq |
Official, attested Bachelor's Degree (4-6 year programs) AND academic transcripts with English translations |
Ireland |
Official Bachelor's Degree (Honours) (4 year program) AND Diploma Supplement |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Isle of Man |
Isle of Man offers no Bachelor equivalent |
While there is no university that offers 4 year Bachelor Degrees on these islands, many students choose to obtain a 4 year Bachelors Degree through Great Britian or Ireland (distance education) *3 year degrees accepted. |
Israel |
Official, attested Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Italy |
Official, attested Diploma di Licenza, Diploma di Specializzazione di 2 livello, or Diploma di Instituto Superiore di Industrie Astistiche in original language AND academic transcripts with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Jamaica |
Official Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) Certificate PLUS Bachelor's Degree (3 year program) or Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Japan |
Official Bachelor's Degree/Gakushi Shogo AND academic transcripts |
Jordan |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4-5 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Kazakhstan |
Official, attested Bakalavr AND Vypiska/ prilozhenie k diplomu/ akademicheskaya spravka (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Kenya |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4-5 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Kiribati |
Kiribati offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Kosovo |
Official Bachelor's Degree (3-4 year program) or Diploma mbi Kualifikimin Superior Shkollor AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Kuwait |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Kyrgyzstan |
Official, attested Diplom Bakalavra or Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND Vypiska/ prilozhenie k diplomu/ akademicheskaya spravka (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Laos |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Latvia |
Official Bakalaurs (4 year program) or Diploms (4-5 year programs) AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Lebanon |
Official Licence PLUS DEUG/DTBS/DPSS or Diplome d'... (4 year program) AND academic transcripts with in original language English translations |
Lesotho |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Liberia |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Libya |
Official Bachelor's Degree/Karshenasi (4 year program) AND academic transcripts with English translations |
Liechtenstein |
Official Bachelor's Degree (3 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Lithuania |
Official Bakalauro Diplomas (4-5 year program) or Aukstojo Mokslo (4 year program) AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Luxembourg |
Official Bachelor's Degree (3 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Macau SAR, China |
Official Licenciatura or Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Macedonia |
Official Diplomiran/Diploma and Professional Title (4-5 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Madagascar |
Official Licence PLUS Maitrise or Diplome d'Ingenieur AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Malawi |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Malaysia |
Official Baccalaureat degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Maldives |
Official, Bachelor's Degree (Honours) (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Mali |
Official Maitrise or Diplome d'Ingenieur des Sciences Appliquees AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Malta |
Official Bachelor's Degree (3 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Marshall Islands |
The Marshall Islands offer no Bachelor's Equivalent |
Martinique |
Official Diplome de Maitrise AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
Mauritania |
Official Maitrise AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Mauritius |
Official Bachelor's Degree (Honours) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Mayotte |
Mayotte offers no Bachelor Equivalent |
Mexico |
Official Licenciatura/Titulo de... (4 year programs) AND Certificado de estudios /calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Micronesia |
Micronesia offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Moldova |
Official Diploma de Studii Superiorare de Scurta Durata, Diploma de Licenta, or Diploma de Inginer AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Monaco |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Mongolia |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Montenegro |
Official Diploma visokog obrazovanja PLUS Spetsialist AND Diploma Supplement with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Montserrat (UK) |
Montserrat offers no Bachelor equivalent |
While there is no university that offers 4 year Bachelor Degrees on these islands, many students choose to obtain a 4 year Bachelors Degree through the University of the West Indies (distance education). |
Morocco |
Original Diplome de Licence or Diplome d'Ingenieur d'Etat AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Mozambique |
Official Licenciatura (Licentiate) or Licenciature em Engenharia (Licentiate in Engineering) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Myanmar |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Namibia |
Official Bachelor's Degree (Honours) (4 year program), Bachelor of Technology, or Bachelor of Engineering AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Nauru |
Nauru offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Nepal |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) or Bachelor's Degree (3 year program) PLUS Master's Degree (2 year program) AND individual mark sheets in original language with English translations |
Netherlands |
Official Baccalaureus, Ingenieur, Bachelor's Degree (4 year program), or Doctorandus/Doctoranda AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Netherlands Antilles |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
New Zealand |
Official Bachelor's Degree (Honours) (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Nicaragua |
Official Licenciatura (4-5 year program) or Titulo de Ingeniero AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Niger |
Official Maitrise, Diplome d'Ingenieur des Techniques Agricoles, or Diplome d'Ingenieur Agronome AND Releve de Notes Annuels (academic transcripts) with English translations |
Nigeria |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4-6 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Niue |
Niue offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Norway |
Official Bachelor's Degree (3 year program), Hogskolekandidat, Sivilingenior, or Candidatus/a AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Oman |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4-5 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Pakistan |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4+ year programs) or Bachelor's Degree (2-3 year program) PLUS Master's Degree (2 year program) AND individual mark sheets/academic transcripts |
Palestinian Territory |
Official Bakalorious/Bachelor (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Palua |
Palua offers no Bachelor's equivalent |
Panama |
Official Licenciatura/Licentiate (4-5 year program) AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Papua New Guinea |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4+year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Paraguay |
Official Licenciado (4-6 year program) AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Peru |
Official Bachiller en.. Or Licenciado en... AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Philippines |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4-5 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Pitcairn Island |
Pitcairn Island offers no Bachelor equivalent |
Poland |
Official Dyplom Tytul Magister (4-5 year program) AND karta przebiegu studi—w (academic transcripts) or Diploma Supplement in original language with English transcripts |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Portugal |
Official Licenciatura/Licentiate (4-5 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Qatar |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Reunion Island |
Official Licence PLUS Maitrise AND Releve de Notes Annuels (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Romania |
Original Diploma de Licenta or Diploma de Inginer AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Russia |
Official Diplom Bakalavra/Диплом бакалавра (4 year program) or "Specialist Diploma/Диплом / diplom AND приложение к диплому (addendum to the diploma) in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Rwanda |
Official Licence or Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND Releve de Notes or academic transcripts |
Saint Helena |
Saint Helena offers no Bachelor equivalent. |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Saint Kitts and Nevis offers no Bachelor equivalent. |
While there is no university that offers 4 year Bachelor Degrees on these islands, many students choose to obtain a 4 year Bachelors Degree through the University of the West Indies (distance education). |
Saint Lucia |
Saint Lucia offers no Bachelor equivalent. |
While there is no university that offers 4 year Bachelor Degrees on these islands, many students choose to obtain a 4 year Bachelors Degree through the University of the West Indies (distance education). |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon offers no Bachelor equivalent. |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines offers no Bachelor equivalent. |
While there is no university that offers 4 year Bachelor Degrees on these islands, many students choose to obtain a 4 year Bachelors Degree through the University of the West Indies (distance education). |
Samoa |
Official Bachelor's Degree (3-4 years) AND academic transcripts |
San Marino |
Official Laurea di 1 Nivello PLUS Master's Degree AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Sao Tome and Principe |
Official Grau de Bacharelato PLUS Licenciatura AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Saudi Arabia |
Official Baccaloreus/Bachelor's Degree (4-5 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Senegal |
Official, attested Maitrise AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Serbia |
Official, attested transcript and Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja AND academic transcripts with English in original language translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Seychelles |
Seychelles offers no Bachelor equivalent. |
Sierra Leone |
Official Bachelor's Degree (Honors) (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Singapore |
Official, attested Bachelor's of Arts/Sciences Degree or Bachelor's Degree (Honors) AND academic transcripts |
Slovakia |
Official Bakalar or Inzinier or Inzinier-architekt AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Slovenia |
Official Universitetni diplomirani, Akademski, or Bachelor's Degree AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Solomon Islands |
The Solomon Islands offer no Bachelor's equivalent |
Somalia |
Official Diploma di Laurea or Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts with English translations |
South Africa |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) or Higher Diploma in Education (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands offers no Bachelor equivalent. |
South Korea |
Official Bachelor's Degree/Haksa AND academic transcripts |
Spain |
Official Titulo de Licenciado (4-5 year program) or Titulo de Ingeniero (5 year program) AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Sri Lanka |
Official Bachelor's Degree (Special) (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Sudan |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Suriname |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Swaziland |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Sweden |
Official Magisterexamen (160 points) or Arkitektexamen (180 points) AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Switzerland |
Official Lizentiat, Diplom, Licence, or Licenza (3.5 to 6 year programs) AND Diploma Supplement in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Syria |
Official Licence or B.A. or B.S (4-5 year programs) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Taiwan |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4-7 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Tajikistan |
Official Bakalavr (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Tanzania |
Official Bachelor's Degree (3+year program) AND academic transcripts |
Thailand |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4+year program) or Higher Diploma/Degree (4 year program) in original language AND academic transcripts with English translations |
Togo |
Official Certificate de Maitrise, Master Recherche, or Diplome d'Ingenieur AND Releve de Notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Tunisia |
Official Maitrise or Diplome National d'Ingenieur AND Releve de notes (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Turkey |
Official Lisans Derecesi/Diplomasi or Muhendislik Diplomasi AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Turkmenistan |
Official Bakalavr (4 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Turks & Caicos Islands |
Turks and Caicos Islands offer no Bachelor equivalent. |
While there is no university that offers 4 year Bachelor Degrees on these islands, many students choose to obtain a 4 year Bachelors Degree through the University of the West Indies (distance education). |
Uganda |
Official Bachelor's Degree (3-5 year programs) or Higher Technician's Diploma, Ordinary Diploma in Electrical Engineering AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Ukraine |
Official Dyplom Bakalayra (4-6 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
United Arab Emirates |
Official Bachelor's Degree (132-136 credit hours) AND academic transcripts |
United Kingdom |
Official Bachelor of: Arts, Science, Nursing, Midwifery, Engineering, Education, Science in Physiotherapy (3-4 year programs) AND academic transcripts |
Uruguay |
Official Licenciado, Titulo de Trabajador(a) Social, or Magister en Quimica AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Uzbekistan |
Official Bakalavr Diplomi or Bakalavr Diplomi Imtiyozli (with Honours) AND Vypiska/ prilozhenie k diplomu/ arkhivnaya spravka/ appendix to diploma (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Vatican City, Holy See |
Official Baccellierato PLUS Licenza AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
*3 year degrees accepted |
Venezuela |
Official Licenciado (4-5 year program) or Titulo (5-6 year program) AND Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic transcripts) in original language with English translations |
Vietnam |
Official Bang Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc (4-6 year program) AND academic transcripts in original language with English translations |
Virgin Islands (British) |
The British Virgin Islands offers no Bachelor equivalent. |
While there is no university that offers 4 year Bachelor Degrees on these islands, many students choose to obtain a 4 year Bachelors Degree through the University of the West Indies (distance education). |
Yemen |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4-5 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Zambia |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4-7 year program) AND academic transcripts |
Zimbabwe |
Official Bachelor's Degree (4-5 year program) AND academic transcripts |
For u.s. student visa applicants
Submit a completed Hawai'i Pacific University Statement of Financial Sponsorship (SFS) Form with an original certified bank statement. Details at HPU's Office of International Students and Scholars.