Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders Begins Here!


  • Hawai‘i State Approved Teacher Education Program (SATEP) through Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board (HTSB).
  • Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) Accredited (valid through June 30, 2028).
  • You will receive mentorship by content area teachers in public, private and charter school settings. 
  • You will have the flexibility of evening course offerings with small class sizes. 
  • You will engage in 450 hours of clinical practice (student teaching) in schools under the guidance of experienced mentor teachers selected by school principals. 
  • All courses (except clinical practice) are available online. 

Join our M.Ed. in Secondary Education program and receive a global, world-class education while being immersed in a diverse environment located in the center of the Pacific Rim. You will learn alongside peers from all 50 states and more than four dozen countries who provide unique worldviews and perspectives. Hawaiʻi’s location also presents you with the opportunity to teach in culturally diverse classrooms that are impossible to find elsewhere.

450 hours of clinical Practice

Complete in 12-months as a full-time student

100% virtual or seated

Learn by doing with Skills Based Learning

The M.Ed. in Secondary Education develops professional educators who are reflective practitioners dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and school renewal. The program is based on a standards-driven, field-based, and inquiry-oriented curriculum that employs cutting-edge educational technology to integrate content and pedagogy. Employing an electronic portfolio-based assessment system, university faculty and mentor teachers guide the candidate's progress in achieving professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions.

Not only does the M.Ed. in Secondary Education program take a global view, the learning environment at HPU is also multi-cultural. It is a portable degree, recognized in Hawai‘i and on the mainland. The curriculum is aligned with professional, state, and institutional standards. Located in the center of the Pacific Rim, Honolulu is a cosmopolitan city with a busy, international community. This attracts a wide-range of learners and uniquely prepares you to teach in culturally diverse classrooms. 

Graduate faculty at HPU are well-respected teachers and scholars in their respective fields. Because they come to HPU from all parts of the United States, they also bring a wealth of worldly experience to campus. You will find a deep commitment to utilizing educational technology tools at HPU, including access to online periodical databases, a digital portfolio-based web page assessment system, course web-page technology, and state-of-the-art wireless services and high-tech classrooms.

Curriculum and Courses Tailored to Career Pathways

HPU's M.Ed. Program in Secondary Education program prepares candidates to become competent, caring, and professional educators through classroom discussions and clinical practice experiences. Teacher candidates learn in small classes and enjoy individual attention by university faculty and mentor teachers.

The program prepares individuals for licensure in Hawai'i in grades 6-12 in six content areas:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
  • World Languages

Graduate students will complete 450 hours of clinical practice in one semester. Placement at a school is determined by various factors: educational philosophy, employment of the teacher candidate at the school, proximity of the teacher candidate’s residency to the school, convenience to the teacher candidate’s outside employment, etc.  Every effort is made to make the clinical practice meaningful, relevant and challenging to our students.

Teacher candidates must complete ten core seminar courses in secondary education and content curriculum and two capstone clinical practice courses, for a total of 36 credit hours.

Full-time enrolled, Fall entry


Fall Semester (12 credits)

  • ED 6000 The Professional Educator
  • ED 6100 Educational Psychology
  • ED 6300 Introduction to Teaching
  • ED 6700 The Exceptional Learner

Spring Semester (12 credits)

  • ED 64XX Secondary Content Curriculum & Instruction
    • English, Math, Science, Social Studies, TESOL, or World Languages
  • ED 6480 Integrated Curriculum: Literacy and Content
  • ED 6521 Secondary Clinical Practice I
  • ED 6522 Secondary Clinical Practice II

Summer Semester (12 credits)

1st 8-week term

  • ED 6430 English Language Learner
  • ED 6200 Introduction to Educational Research

2nd 8-week term

  • ED 6310 Culturally Responsive Education in Hawaii
  • ED 6660 Diversity and Social Change

Check out HPU's Graduate Certificates

Organization Development and Leadership

The certificate program focuses on change and development at the organizational, team and individual level. Constant technological, economic, political, and social change have become the norm, and dealing with the rapid pace of change is a challenge faced by almost all professionals.

Ethics in Public Service

The Graduate Certificate in Public Service Management is for working professionals, students or other interested individuals. It provides additional knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for subject-matter experts to be successful professional civil servants in managing and supervising public programs in state and local offices and agencies.

Public Service Management

This certificate program promotes the highest standards of ethics and accountability in management. Topics include urban planning, evidenced- based program evaluation, performance management, diversity, equity, and inclusion in both the workplace and the delivery of services, and special topics on contemporary issues affecting the quality of government service delivery. 

Apply to Earn your M.ed. at Hawaiʻi Pacific University

  • Application
  • $55 Application Fee
  • Fall entry (Priority Application Deadline: July 1st) 
  • Interview
  • Official Transcripts
  • Prior to admission to the English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, TESOL and World Languages concentrations, teacher candidates seeking licensure in secondary education must have attained:
    • A passing score on a licensure test adopted by the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Bord in the content field; or
    • National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification in the content field; or
    • A content major consisting of minimum of 30 credit hours in the content field for a bachelor's degree awarded by an accredited institution of higher education; or
    • A minimum of 30 credit hours in the content field from an accredited institution of higher education, at least 15 of which must be upper-division level; or
    • A master's, specialist, or doctoral degree in the license field awarded by an accredited institution of higher education.
  • Resume
  • Letters of recommendation (optional)
  • Personal Statement (optional)

Beyond Boundaries