Established in 2005, the Shared Instrumentation Facility (SIF) houses the major scientific instruments at HPU and brings together an essential collection of labs, support equipment, staff, and other research resources. The SIF seeks to maintain high functioning research labs, provide uninterrupted access to and training on the instruments, and promote a safe working environment through extensive training and adherence to best practices.

The SIF supports biomedical and other multidisciplinary research and integrates high tech instrumentation into HPU's science lab courses. The SIF includes instrumentation and laboratory space on the Hawaii Loa campus, including cell biology (AC 102A), chemistry (AC 102D), and multi-purpose (AC 214) research laboratories. The SIF recently added new labs in the Model Progress building in downtown Honolulu, representing a 45% expansion of HPU's biomedical research laboratories. The new space includes biochemistry (MP 401), instrumentation (MP 402), and cell culture (MP 403) labs. Research in the SIF includes natural products chemistry, organic syntheses, bioassays, toxicological analyses, cell biology, electrophysiology, analytical chemistry, and more.

The overarching goal of the SIF is to provide outstanding instrumentation and laboratory facilities to support chemical, biological, biomedical, and marine science research, and to support extraordinary educational activities for HPU students. Specifically, the SIF seeks to

  • Support state-of-the-art instrumentation and research labs at HPU to cultivate innovative and forward-looking research, while creating exceptional student research opportunities
  • Integrate the same high tech scientific instruments into our teaching labs to provide direct hands-on experience to all students in our laboratory courses
  • Provide training that promotes safe and effective use of the facilities
  • Provide our expertise to support and enrich student and faculty research

The SIF represents an excellent example of synergy between extramurally funded research and academics. We have developed our research enterprise to the benefit of our students, allowing them to use high tech instrumentation and gain valuable research experience as they progress through our academic programs.

The SIF is funded largely by the National Institutes of Health IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence(INBRE) grant, which is intended to expand and develop Hawaii's competitive biomedical research capacity. The facility has also received support from the National Science Foundation's Major Research Instrumentation.

Consortium Principal Investigator

F. David Horgen, Ph.D. (

Research Facilities Manager

Dr. Kosuke Ohgo. (

Contributing Faculty

Yongli Chen, Ph.D. (

Gideon Berger, Ph.D. (

Lei Wang, Ph.D. (


Ellis Akana (



Research Assistants


Savana Vander Schuit

Jessie Nguyen

Kacy Kim

Olivia Honaker

AMber Aduja

Richelle Alfonso

Chloe Todd 


Amber Aduja (Co-Lead mentor)

Chloe Todd

Elena Polizotto

Gina Muench

Ivy Ammerman

Jessie Nguyen

Kacy Kim

Kaley Saludares

Kirah Boynton-Brown

MaxAllen Ponce

Olivia Honaker

Richelle Alfonso

Savana Vander Schuit (Co-Lead mentor)

SImone Duran-Nyers

Xiao Yi Wang-Beckvall



Hawaii Pacific University operates a wide range of scientific equipment in support of instruction and research.  The various instruments are housed and maintained by the Shared Instrumentation Facility (SIF), the Instructional Science Laboratories, or by individual investigators. An important strategy in the development of instrumental capabilities at HPU has been to integrate research-grade equipment into our academic curriculum, thereby exposing all undergraduate science majors to state-of-the-art high tech instruments in their laboratory course work.  Collectively, the instrumentation facilities at HPU have been supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and private funding. The table below catalogs HPU’s shared instrumentation, their location, and the person to contact for details on availability and potential training.

HPU's Research Instrumentation





FPLC (fast protein liquid chromatography)
GE Healthcare AKTAprime Plus

Protein purification

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 401

GC-MS (gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer)
Agilent 7890A GC; 5975C MS

Autosampler; electron impact source; quadrapole analyzer; flame ionization detector

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Infrared spectrometer
PerkinElmer Spectrum Two FT-IR Spectrometer

Measures infrared absorption

Allen, Patricia

HL 102B

Isocratic HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography)
Shimadzu LC-6A and D-Star LC; analytical and semipreparative capable; chart integrator, single wavelength UV detector

Purifies extracts or synthetic products

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

LC-MS (liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer)
Agilent 1200 LC and autosampler; Agilent 6530 quadrapole-time-of-flight ( QTOF )

Electrospray and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization, positive and negative mode; MS/MS; high-resolution MS. autosampler; fraction collector

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

NMR spectrometer
300 MHz Varian

1H, 13C, 15N, 31P detection with gradients, one- and two-dimensional experiments

Hogg, Grant

HL 102D

Patch clamp electrophysiology system
EPC-10 USB Patch Clamp Amplifier; 3 Axis Water Hydraulic Micromanipulator; Olympus IX51; Olympus TC4

Measures flux of ions across cell membranes

Chen, Yongli

HL 102A

Plate reader
BioTek Synergy HTX Multi-mode Microplate Reader

Fluorescence/absorbance/luminescence plate reader

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 402

Rudolph Research Analytical Autopol III

Optical rotation measurements

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Preparative HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography)
Agilent 1100 preparative system

Flow up to 100 mL/min; manual injector, multi-wavelength UV detector, fraction collector

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Scanning robotic plate reader
Molecular Devices FlexStation III

Fluorescence/absorbance/luminescence plate reader with 8 channel fluidics

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Solvent extractor
Thermo Scientific Dionex ASE 350

Extraction of  compound from solid samples

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Solvent purification System
Innovative Technology Puresolv

Production of anhydrous solvent

Allen, Patricia

HL 102B


Fluorescence/absorbance/luminescence plate reader

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 402





Yamato SM510

Sterilization of materials and waste

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Yamato SM510

Sterilization of materials and waste

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 402

Bead homogenizer
MP Biomedicals FP120

Disruption of biological samples for extraction

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Benchtop spectrometer
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Smartspec Plus

Measure chemical absorption

Allen, Patricia

HL 211A

Benchtop spectrometer
Eppendorf BioPhotometer

Measures UV absorption

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 401

VWR Clinical 200

Centrifugation of cell culture samples

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

VWR Symphony 2417R

Centrifugation of reagents and samples

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 401

Thermo Scientific Sorvall ST40R

Centrifugation of samples

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 402

CO2 incubator

Controls humidity, CO2 concentrations, and temperature of cell cultures

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

CO2 incubator
Thermo Scientific HeraCell Vios 160i

Controls humidity, CO2 concentrations, and temperature of cell cultures

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 403

Electrophoresis system

Separation of DNA and protein

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Electrophoresis system
Labnet Enduro VE10

Separation of DNA and protein

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 401

Orbital shaker
VWR 3500I

Mixing chemicals and reagents

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 401

Plate washer
BioTek ELx-50

96 well plate washing, aspirating and dispensing

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Refrigerated centrifuge
Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810 R 15 amp version

Centrifugation of samples (mammalian cells or non-viable samples only)

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Shaking incubator
VWR 1575

Heating samples and reagents

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Shaking incubator
VWR 1575

Heating samples and reagents

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 401

Hybaid, OMN-E Thermal cycler

Incubations and polymerase chain reaction experiments

Allen, Patricia

HL 102B

MJ Research PTC-200

Incubations and polymerase chain reaction experiments

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Applied Biosystems Veriti 96 Well Thermal Cycler

Incubations and polymerase chain reaction experiments

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 402





Analytical balance
Mettler Toledo PL3001

Measures sample mass

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Analytical balance
Sartorius CP124S

Measures sample mass

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Analytical balance
Sartorius CP124S

Measures sample mass

Allen, Patricia

HL 102B

Analytical balance
Sartorius CP124S

Measures sample mass

Allen, Patricia

HL 212

Analytical balance
Sartorius CP225D

Measures sample mass

Hogg, Grant

HL 102D

Analytical balance
Sartorius Secura 224-1S

Measures sample mass

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 402

Benchtop spectrometer

Measures UV absorption

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Benchtop spectrometer

Measures UV absorption

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 402

Parr 1455 Solution Calorimeter

Measures heat evolved by chemical reactions

Hogg, Grant

HL 103

Parr Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter

Measures heat evolved by chemical reactions

Hogg, Grant

HL 103

Beckman Coulter Allegra 6R

Centrifugation of samples

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 401

Convection oven
Blue-M, MO1450SA

Oven to dry samples

Allen, Patricia

HL 102B

Convection oven
Lindberg/BlueM, MO1450A-1

Oven to dry samples

Allen, Patricia

HL 212A

Heto L3300; 6-L capacity

Freeze dry various research sample and dry residual water in samples

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Benchmark Scientific MyTemp Mini Digital

Oven to dry samples

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 400

VWR BOD Low Temperature Refrigerated Incubator

Incubator for bacterial cultures

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 401

Thermolyne F62700 Furnace

Oven to dry samples/equipment

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Fisher Scientific Isotemp

Oven to dry samples

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Refrigerated centrifuge
Bechman Coulter

Centrifugation of samples

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Rotary evaporator
Heidolph LR4002

Evaporates solvents from solutions

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Rotary evaporator

Evaporates solvents from solutions

Berger, Gideon

HL 214

Top loading balance
Sartorius CP2202S

Measures sample mass

Hogg, Grant

HL 102D

Top loading balance
Denver Instrument SI-403

Measures sample mass

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

UV/VIS spectrometer
Perkin Elmer Lambda 20

Measure ultraviolet and visible light absorption

Allen, Patricia

HL 211A

UV/VIS spectrometer
Perkin Elmer Lambda 25

Measure ultraviolet and visible light absorption

Allen, Patricia

HL 211A

Vacuum evaporation system
Labconco CentriVap Cold Trap

Evaporates solvents from solutions

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Vacuum evaporation system
Savant SpeedVac concentrator; -40C cold trap

Evaporates solvents from solutions

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Vacuum evaporation system
Welch ChemStar Dry

Evaporates solvents from solutions

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Vacuum evaporation system
Welch Self-Cleaning Dry Vacuum System 2028

Evaporates solvents from solutions

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Water systems
Millipore Elix and MilliQ

Produces Type II and Type I water

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Water systems
Millipore Elix

Produces Type II water

Hogg, Grant

HL 102D

Water systems
Millipore Elix and MilliQ

Produces Type II and Type I water

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 401





Pipette puller

Glass pipettes for electrophysiology

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Pipette puller
Narishige PC10

Glass pipettes for electrophysiology

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A





Fisher Scientific Isotemp -86ºC Ultra-Low Temperature

Sample, cell, and reagent storage

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Kenmore -20ºC

Sample, cell, and reagent storage

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Fisher Scientific Isotemp -20ºC

Sample, cell, and reagent storage

Hogg, Grant

HL 102D

Fisher Scientific Isotemp -20ºC

Sample, cell, and reagent storage

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Frigidaire -20ºC

Sample, cell, and reagent storage

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Frigidaire -20ºC

Sample, cell, and reagent storage

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Fisher Scientific Isotemp -86ºC Ultra-Low Temperature

Sample, cell, and reagent storage

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 402

Kenmore -20ºC

Sample, cell, and reagent storage

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 403

Fisher Scientific Isotemp Chromatography

Sample, cell, and reagent storage

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

VWR International, R421FA14

Chemical storage

Allen, Patricia

HL 102B

Howard-McCray, HC45

Sample storage

Allen, Patricia

HL 211A

Fisher Scientific Isotemp Chromatography

Sample, cell, and reagent storage

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 401

VWR Chromatography

Sample, cell, and reagent storage

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 403

VWR Chromatography

Sample, cell, and reagent storage

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 403





Biological safety cabinet laminar flow hood
Thermo Scientific 1300 Series A2

Provide aseptic environment for manipulating cells in cultures (for mammalian cells only)

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 401

Biological safety cabinet laminar flow hood
Thermo Scientific 1300 Series A2

Provide aseptic environment for manipulating cells in cultures (for mammalian cells only)

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 403

Biological safety cabinet laminar flow hood

Provide aseptic environment for manipulating cells in cultures (for mammalian cells only)

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Ductless fume hood

Clean environment for preparation of PCR and seeding microbial cultures

Hogg, Grant

HL 214

Fume hood

Safe removal of chemical fumes

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 401

Fume hood
Kewaunee Supreme Air

Safe removal of chemical fumes

Hogg, Grant

HL 102D

Fume hood
Fisher Hamilton Safeaire

Safe removal of chemical fumes

Hogg, Grant

HL 214





Sea-Bird Electronics, SBE-19-01

Conductivity, temperature and depth for oceanographic water analyses

Allen, Patricia


Current profiler
Nortek USA, Aquadop 1 MHz

Measures marine current

Allen, Patricia

HL 211A

R/V Kaholo
Murakami Power Catamaran, 42'

Teaching and research vessel

Allen, Patricia

Kaneohe Bay, Coconut Island

Skiff, motor, trailer
Livingston 12' skiff, 8 hp motor

Research craft

Allen, Patricia

Kaneohe Bay, Coconut Island





Infinity, 2-3C

General use camera

Allen, Patricia

HL 213

Nikon DS-L1

General use camera

Allen, Patricia

HL 211A

Compound microscope
Nikon E200

General use camera

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Compound microscope
Olympus, CX31

General use camera

Allen, Patricia

HL 213

Inverted microscope
Nikon TS100

Imaging cells in culture

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Inverted microscope
Nikon TS100

Imaging cells in culture

Hogg, Grant

HL 108

LW Scientific Revelation III

General use microscope

Hogg, Grant

HL 102A

Zeiss Stemi 2000-C Trinocular Stereo Microscope

General use microscope

Boldridge, Melissa

MP 403

Microscope, stereoscope
Nikon SMZ-800

General use dissecting microscope

Allen, Patricia

HL 211A