Hawai'i Pacific University is proud to partner with GradGuard to offer tuition insurance. GradGuard’s Tuition Insurance Plan helps students and their families overcome the financial losses that may result from events which force students to withdraw from the term due to a covered medical reason.


In the event of an unexpected injury or illness, you may need to withdraw from your courses. Depending on the timing of the withdrawal, you may not be eligible to receive a refund for all of your tuition and fees. GradGuard Tuition Insurance can help students and families avoid a financial loss due to an unexpected medical withdrawal from school. 

Remember, HPU students are only entitled to a full reversal of tuition and fee charges if they withdraw before the last day to drop courses with a 100% refund for dropped credits. This deadline is published in the Academic Calendar, Please review HPU's full Refund Policy on the Business Office Policies & Deadlines page.



what does tuition insurance protect? 

GradGuard's Tuition Insurance can reimburse tuition, room, board, and other eligible fees if a student withdraws at any time during the covered term due to a covered reason such as:

  • Covered Serious Injury or Illness such as mononucleosis, a severe head injury, or COVID-19
  • Chronic Illness such as diabetes or an auto-immune disorder
  • Mental Health Conditions like depression, anxiety, suicide/attempted suicide
  • Death of a payer(s)
  • Loss of employment of a tuition payer(s) 

The Tuition Insurance Plan complements our refund policy, providing peace of mind. GradGuard also offers members special access to an Assistance Hotline to help students and their families take care of emergencies and unexpected issues. 

Learn more by calling GradGuard at 877-794-6603 or visiting www.gradguard.com/tuition/hpu


Tuition insurance must be purchased before the last day to drop with 100% refund each semester and is offered as a voluntary benefit to our students and families. 

Please review the GradGuard coverage terms closely, as students must withdraw from all courses and the withdrawal must be for a covered reason for insurance coverage to apply. Other terms apply, including that the policy coverage period is for one academic semester. If coverage for future semesters is desired, re-enrollment and additional premium payment will be required. 

This insurance policy is entirely voluntary and is not offered, sold, endorsed, administered, or guaranteed by Hawai‘i Pacific University. If you select a GradGuard policy, payment will be due and payable directly to GradGuard and policy benefits will be payable from GradGuard.  GradGuard administers the claims process, if applicable.

This page is intended to provide you with general information about the GradGuard tuition insurance, and is not intended to be a full disclosure of policy coverage and/or disclosures. There may be additional options available through your existing insurance providers and you are encouraged to explore with your insurance advisors. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Students and families can find out more information and purchase coverage at gradguard.com/tuition/hpu or by calling (877) 794-6603. Your purchase of tuition insurance must occur before the last day to drop with 100% refund each semester; this date is posted in the Academic Calendar.

After charges are released each semester (approximately 6 weeks before the start of term) students and users they have authorized (Payers) will be presented with an opportunity to purchase GradGuard's tuition insurance through the HPU Payment Portal (https://my.hpu.edu, then "Business & Payments" in the Student QuickLaunch section). If the student declines that first offer, the student can still elect to purchase coverage anytime before the first day of classes by visiting gradguard.com/tuition/hpu or by calling (877) 794-6603. 

Each student interested in purchasing tuition insurance needs to calculate their own desired coverage level by determining the amount they expect to pay out of pocket towards educational costs this semester, and considering how much of those out of pocket costs they would prefer to protect with their tuition insurance policy. 

GradGuard has provided a helpful video to assist you in determining the appropriate amount of coverage:


HPU has established a default coverage amount which is based on averages across our entire student body. The default amount should not be considered a recommended coverage level by HPU. This amount may be more coverage than you need if it exceeds your nonrefundable out-of-pocket costs, or may not be enough coverage depending on your unique circumstances. 

HPU staff are not permitted to assist students in determining insurance coverage amounts. 

HPU staff are neither insurance nor financial advisors and are not authorized to provide students or families with advice about insurance, nor can they calculate the amount of coverage you may wish to purchase. Please contact GradGuard directly and/or consult with your financial and insurance advisors. 


Claims are processed by GradGuard, not HPU. Claims can be processed at any time. To be eligible for coverage the event/incident must occur within the plan’s coverage period. The claims process begins by calling (888) 427-5045. The GradGuard FAQ is a helpful resource for any questions: https://gradguard.com/support 

If you need other forms of documentation to support your claim, please reach out to the appropriate resources on campus as needed.

HPU staff are not permitted to provide students or families with insurance advice, including regarding the claims process. 

The GradGuard Tuition Insurance offer amount is a suggested coverage amount and may vary by student. You may opt to purchase more/less coverage based upon your costs for attending the school by visiting gradguard.com/tuition/hpu

To change the amount of coverage after you have purchased insurance, contact GradGuard by calling (888) 427-5045.

Students studying abroad who pay HPU, not the study abroad program, are eligible to purchase tuition insurance through GradGuard. 


Yes! International students enrolled in-person at HPU are eligible to purchase GradGuard's tuition protection plan. Contact GradGuard for more information. 


Because the policy is sold, offered, and administered by GradGuard, your best point of contact for questinos about coverage, claims, and the purchase process are our partners at GradGuard. 

How to contact GradGuard: 

Phone: (888) 427-5045



The school is not compensated for this program. 100% of your premiums go toward protecting your tuition investment. This is a voluntary benefit to our families and students. Your participation is not required, but we do encourage students and families to consider the benefits each semester. 


Terms, conditions, and exclusions (including for pre-existing conditions) apply.  Plans only available to U.S. residents and may not be available in all jurisdictions.  Recommended and provided by GradGuard, a service of Next Generation Insurance Group, LLC (NGI), the licensed agent for all insurance programs.  Insurance plans include insurance benefits and assistance services.  Pricing may vary by state.  Insurance benefits are underwritten by Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office 9950 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233) rated “A+” (Superior) by A.M. Best Co.  A+ (Superior) is the 2nd highest of A.M. Best’s 13 Financial Strength Ratings.  Non-insurance benefits/services are provided by AGA Service Company.  Claims are administered by Allianz Global Assistance (AGA).  AGA and Allianz Tuition Insurance are marks of AGA Service Company or its affiliates.  AGA Service Company is an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company.  Plans include insurance benefits and assistance services.  Except as expressly provided for under the plan, consumer is responsible for charges incurred from outside vendors.  Contact AGA Service Company at 888-427-5045 or 9950 Mayland Dr., Richmond, VA  23233 or tuition@allianzassistance.com.