If you are a transfer student, and meet the BSN admissions criteria, including earning a minimum composite score of 70th percentile on the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS), and have a minimum college GPA of 3.0 and an overall nursing prerequisite GPA of 3.0 (C or better), then you are encouraged to apply to the Clinical Level Nursing as direct entry, using the HPU Application. Select "Nursing" as your intended major. 

If you are a transfer student, but still working on your BSN requirements, you may complete your prerequisites at HPU. You are encouraged to apply as a pre-nursing student, using the HPU Application. Select "Nursing-Pre Nursing" as your intended major. 

*The HPU Admissions office can only accept applicants as pre-nursing, the Nursing department accepts applicants into the nursing program. You must be accepted by both HPU pre-nursing and Nursing department to be accepted into the Nursing program.

  • Submit your admissions application
  • Meet the additional requirements for the Competitive Pathway.
  • Pathway selection
    • Standard BSN
    • HM to BSN
    • RN to BSN
    • LPN to BSN
  • Earn a TEAS score of 70% or higher
  • Earn a minimum college GPA of 3.0 and a minimum nursing prerequisite GPA of 3.0
  • Submit official transcripts for all college coursework completed at an institution other than HPU
  • Submit two professional letters of recommendation
  • Complete the HPU Nursing personal statement

fall admission

February 15

Competitive Pathway Priority Deadline for the regular BSN, RN-BSN, LPN/LEVIN-BSN, and HM-BSN

April 1*

Competitive Pathway Secondary Deadline

*as space permits
Application and all supporting documents must be received and processed by the indicated deadlines. Processing time 3-4 days. Please plan accordingly. 

SPRING admission

October 15

Competitive Pathway Priority Deadline - Round 1 for the regular BSN only

November 18

Competitive Pathway Priority Deadline - Round 2 for the regular BSN only

Application and all supporting documents must be received and processed by the indicated deadlines. Processing time 3-4 days. Please plan accordingly.